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The Levellers

  • By Dan Q, John Trevor-Allen, Simon Gilbert-Hague, Alec Richardson, Matt Payne, Matt Reynolds
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly six posts per year
  • First post on

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Most recent posts

77. The Machine Stops
[Taken From Tunwéya‘s notebooks:] The time we spent in the Modron outpost has proven extremely valuable, and – while I still need to review some of the information provided by The Historian in order to …
On , by quatermass, 2,056 words
76. No good; it’s full of Modrons.
After abandoning any attempt to rumble with the Wizard who had commandeered the flying ship we found, over a belief that he was capable of instantly slaying one of us, we drove the metal cart …
On , by alecrichardson, 484 words
74-75. The Story of Bad Dog Wizard and his Big Special Boat, by Lulu, age Unknown
Dear Diary, Hello! It is me, Lulu! Reya has hurt her hand a little when a Big Special Boat went very very fast (I will tell you about that soon!). It was her turn to …
On , by Dan Q, 694 words