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Blogs about Role-playing games

25 blogs about Role-playing games.

  1. Adventures in Parn
    By Etna. 🇺🇸 More info

    Playable Skaven Class for Lamentations of the Flame Princess
    As usual, I wanted a Skaven class for LotFP, as I have a ton of Skaven miniatures. This allows players to pick a Skaven PC, or create leveled Skaven NPCs if you so wish.Class features:High …
    By Etna, 134 words
  2. Aiee! Run From Kelvin's Brainsplurge!
    I'm Kelvin Green. I sometimes draw. I sometimes write. I'm trying to get better at both. 🇬🇧 More info

    Peter Hook Spambot Carnival EX Plus α
    The Acorn Afloats, and so I must answer, albeit a month later. PETER HOOK, aka PETER THE HOOK, aka HOOKY PETE, aka the SOUL FISHER: Armour 14 (as leather), Move 150’, 2* Hit Dice, 9hp, …
    By thekelvingreen, 79 words
  3. The Alexandrian
    …designed not only to be a site of news and updates, but also as a repository: Here you’ll find my reviews, my politics, my stories, and my thoughts. By Justin Alexander. 🇺🇸 More info

    Ptolus: Running the Campaign – Using Scenery & Traps
    DISCUSSING In the Shadow of the Spire – Session 39A: Chamber of Bone Tee felt the ratlings throw their weight against the door, but she was able to hold it against their charge. Tee signaled …
    By Justin Alexander, 664 words
  4. ars ludi
    if you asked Ben's brain about gaming, this is what it would say. By Ben Robbins. More info

    Download Follow: A New Fellowship for Free
    Available for free download, right now, Follow: A New Fellowship The free New Fellowship edition includes all the rules you need to play and five of the quests from the main book: the Breakthough – …
    By Ben Robbins, 91 words
  5. Direbane: An RPG Home Brewed Repository
    An abode to share artifacts, simulacra, histories, and other items of note related to ongoing years adventuring. By Matrox Lusch. 🇺🇸 More info

    Goodness Gracious, I've Gone to the Dark Side
    What with the new 2024 revisions due to start being released this coming September, I am converting my online game to D&D 5th edition.I still have to end the multiverse in an upcoming session in …
    By Matrox Lusch, 651 words
  6. Dreams in the Lich House
    A blog about Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and fantasy and horror gaming. By John Arendt. More info

    Retrospective and Review - Strict Time Records Must Be Kept
    The premise of Strict Time Records Must Be Kept is that the player characters have been dosed with a slow-acting, fatal poison while isolated in a trap-filled mansion, where they search for doses of antidote. …
    By John, 1,808 words
  7. Failure Tolerated
    By Sean McCoy. More info

    Stretch Goals Are Haggling
    One of the biggest complaints new creators have is that they hate dealing with stretch goals. it’s a common customer complaint too, because if you do stretch goals wrong (you are), you’ll overburden your project …
    By 2024-02-28-Stretch-Goals-Are-Haggling.txt, 970 words
  8. Goblin's Henchman
    More info

    In the Heart of the Unknown – Platinum metal best seller on DriveThruRPG
    Just some work updates: In the Heart of the Unknown – recently went platinum metal best seller on DriveThruRPG (following in the footsteps of my Hex Flower Cookbook) This is particularly pleasing because it’s Pay …
    By Goblin's Henchman, 137 words
  9. The Indie Game Reading Club
    Deep reads, play analysis, reviews and everything else about small press roleplaying today. By Paul Beakley. More info

    Guest Interview: Paul Czege
    Note from Paul: This week we have guest writer Slade Stolar’s interview with long-time indie Notable Paul Czege. Czege has a Kickstarter for Inscapes, a zine sequel to The Ink That Bleeds, both about getting …
    By Slade Stolar, 4,429 words
  10. The Levellers
    By Dan Q, John Trevor-Allen, Simon Gilbert-Hague, Alec Richardson, Matt Payne, Matt Reynolds. 🇬🇧 More info

    77. The Machine Stops
    [Taken From Tunwéya‘s notebooks:] The time we spent in the Modron outpost has proven extremely valuable, and – while I still need to review some of the information provided by The Historian in order to …
    By quatermass, 2,056 words
  11. The Monsters Know What They’re Doing
    Monster combat tactics for Dungeons & Dragons 5E. By Keith Ammann. 🇺🇸 More info

    Vargouille Reflection Tactics
    Vargouilles flit indiscriminately from victim to victim and spreading their curse far and wide. Vargouille reflections are much the same, with the key difference that they spread their curse not by kissing their victims but …
    By Keith Ammann, 72 words
  12. Numbered Works — Notes
    Making adventures, games, art, toys, music, objects. 🇦🇺 More info

    Dungeon23 03
    The Hex Garden Encounters Three inductees in vivid butterfly robes, gardening. Brilliant, giant butterfly, fluttering above the chapel. Hex Priest. Two furred, swift, small humanoids, stealing figs. Giant caterpillar, feeding on the nearest green leaf. …
    710 words
  13. Playing D&D With Porn Stars
    Zak S / Zak Smith / Zak Sabbath playing diy D&D … notes on playing RPGs w/fellow porn performers. 🇺🇸 More info

    There's A New Zak Book Available for Pre-Order
    I have a new art retrospective book coming out now available for pre-order. The price will jump in a few days, so if you're interested, best to grab one soon. It covers the last 20 …
    By Zak Sabbath, 59 words
  14. Professional NPC
    Human by day, Dungeon Master by night. By Simon Tsevelev. 🇺🇦 More info

    Zak's new art book
    So here's Zak's new book, collecting his artworks from 2000's and until today. Twenty years ago the Orange Revolution halted the totalitarian usurpation in Ukraine. Today things are quite horrible, but art is still art. …
    By Simon Tsevelev, 84 words
  15. Project Work by Shane Preece
    Board game and Dungeons and Dragons development. 🇬🇧 More info

    The only things we know about the Mirth Gate
    Despite all the media attention Seraph Moore has had over the past four months, he is now barely recognisable from his headshot sent to me by his media team. The give away as I take …
    By Shane, 981 words
  16. Rascal News
    A tabletop roleplaying game and culture outlet. By Lin Codega, Rowan Zeoli, Chase Carter. More info

    A new Dungeons & Dragons podcast is taking on true crime
    In 1979, a teenager named James Dallas Egbert III disappeared from Michigan State University. He wrote what many consider to be a suicide note and disappeared after a Quaalude overdose, likely driven to drugs by …
    By Lin Codega, 454 words
  17. Rolltop Indigo
    The Blue Room Blog: RPGs, Fantasy Cartography, Cooking, Fonts, Stuff. By S. John Ross. 🇺🇸 More info

    Risus: Thirty Years!
    We're almost out of 2023!This year has been the 30th Anniversary of Risus: The Anything RPG, the 20th Anniversary of The Risus Companion, and the 10th Anniversary of Risus 2nd Edition.As I write this, we're …
    By S. John Ross, 793 words
  18. Save vs. Total Party Kill
    This is a blog about D&D. By Ramanan Sivaranjan. 🇨🇦 More info

    The Art of the Cover
    Clayton takes a look at what elements make for a compelling cover, highlighting some of my own favourite books in the process. This post was likely sparked by Wizards of the Coast teasing the cover …
    By Ramanan Sivaranjan, 96 words
  19. Shouting Into The Void
    Fitz's Roleplaying, Wargaming and Modeling-related blather. By Peter Fitz. 🇳🇿 More info

    Churchill Mk.VII (-ish)
    I've been tinkering with the estimable Mr. Bergman's 1:100 scale (15mm) Churchill Mk.IV model to make a Mk.VII.... almost.The front end of the track sponsons could do with some more work, but I think this …
    By Peter Fitz, 83 words
  20. Sly Flourish: Helping Dungeon Masters run great D&D games.
    Weekly articles with tips, tricks, tools, and advice for the ffth edition of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) written by the author of Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master. By Michael E. Shea. More info

    Understanding 5e's Core Interaction
    The Kickstarter for my latest book, The City of Arches, begins August 6th! Sign up to be notified on the launch of this high-fantasy city sourcebook for Lazy GMs! The DM describes the environment. The …
    885 words