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Rock and Null

Tech, software and whatever comes to mind.

  • Roughly 23 posts per year
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Posts per year

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2023 31
2024 13

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Most recent posts

How to clear the state of the app in Maestro tests (iOS)
While UI testing may seem straightforward at first glance, it can quickly become complex, especially when dealing with various app states. One of the main challenges is preparing the app for different test scenarios.The Issue …
On , by Michael Mavris, 337 words
Kotlin's `when` with enums: `else` considered harmful
Kotlin's when statement is a versatile and powerful tool for handling conditional logic. When working with enums, it can feel natural to use an else clause as a catch-all for cases you haven't explicitly defined. …
On , by Mike Yerou, 364 words
Effortless Django model import & export from the admin panel
Managing data in a Django application can get tedious, especially when you need to add or update a large number of records via the admin interface. The django-import-export library comes to the rescue, offering a …
On , by Mike Yerou, 335 words