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Blogs about Back-end web development

15 blogs about Back-end web development.

  1. Adam Johnson
    I'm an author and solo consultant working with Ansible, AWS, Django, and Python. 🇬🇧 More info

    Django: Test for pending migrations
    This post is an adapted extract from my book Boost Your Django DX, available now. Django requires every change to model fields and meta classes to be reflected in database migrations. This applies even to …
    By Adam Johnson, 537 words
  2. — Articles
    More info

    Eradicating N+1s: The Two-phase Data Load and Render Pattern in Go
    Author’s note: This is a longer piece that starts off with exposition into the nature of the N+1 query problem. If you’re already well familiar with it, you may want to skip my description of …
    By Brandur Leach, 3,972 words
  3. Dusted Codes
    Programming Adventures. By Dustin Moris Gorski. 🇬🇧 More info

    .NET Blazor
    .NET Blazor has been touted as a revolutionary framework that allows .NET developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. It's mainly aimed at ASP.NET Core developers who want to build SPA-like …
    By s (Dustin Moris Gorski, 2,532 words
  4. James Brooks - Articles
    Sometimes I write things and put them here. 🇬🇧 More info

    Secrets of the Laravel Team Talk Video
    At the start of 2024, I gave a talk titled "Secrets of the Laravel Team" in which I talk about how Laravel works as a company, how we manage projects and continue to ship the …
    By James Brooks, 64 words
  5. The Laravel Blog
    By Taylor Otwell, James Brooks, Dries Vints, Joe Dixon, Nuno Maduro. 🇧🇪 🇬🇧 🇵🇹 🇺🇸 More info

    Improving Laravel Application Security with Aikido
    As your Laravel application grows, managing security objectives becomes more challenging, especially for small teams or solo developers. Today, Laravel has teamed up with Aikido to provide a seamless solution for securing your Laravel application. …
    By James Brooks, 62 words
  6. Matt's Dev Blog
    Matt's blog on backend web development. By Matt Segal. 🇦🇺 More info

    How I hunt down (and fix) errors in production
    Once you’ve deployed your web app to prod there is a moment of satisfaction: a brief respite where you can reflect on your hard work. You sit, adoringly refreshing the homepage of to watch …
    By Matthew Segal, 1,739 words
  7. Michael's Blog
    The personal website and blog of Michael Hebblethwaite, a web developer based in Nagoya, Japan. 🇯🇵 More info

    Make your code easy to run
    Today, I want to write about steps you can take to make your take home test easy to run, and win brownie points with reviewers. I spent a lot of time in the last half …
    91 words
  8. The Pallets Projects
    A collection of Python web development libraries that are associated with the Flask microframework. More info

    Blinker 1.6 Released
    Signalling allows for applications to be decoupled by allowing designated receivers to be informed when an action has taken place (the signal). Flask and Quart both utilise the excellent Blinker library to support signals and …
    By P G Jones, 129 words
  9. Patrick D'appollonio
    Notes about engineering, programming, Kubernetes, go, infra-as-code and other interesting things. More info

    Cultural differences between Chile and USA (and North America)
    On August 2014 I made one of the most difficult choices of my life: I left my home country, my family, my friends and everything I knew to move to the United States. I arrived …
    86 words
  10. Paweł U.
    Ruby on Rails Web Development Consultant Full Stack Blog. By Paweł Urbanek. 🇵🇱 More info

    How to Optimize MEV Arbitrage Smart Contract with Yul and Huff
    Minimizing gas usage directly impacts the profitability of your MEV bot. In this blog post, we will start with a straightforward but nonoptimal approach for swapping two UniswapV2 pairs and gradually improve it. We will …
    5,301 words
  11. PHP.Watch
    A source for PHP News, upcoming changes to the language core and extensions, and articles. By Ayesh Karunaratne. More info

    How to fix `mysql_native_password` not loaded errors on MySQL 8.4
    How to fix the `SQLSTATE[HY000] [1524] Plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded` errors caused in MySQL 8.4 no longer enabling the `mysql_native_password` plugin by default.
    34 words
  12. RailsNotes
    A collection of the Ruby on Rails guides you wished you had, when you were first starting out. By Harrison Broadbent. 🇦🇺 More info

    Using Rails debugger/rdbg with VS Code
    A short introduction to the rdbg/debugger extension for VS Code, plus a guide on how to set it up correctly to debug your Ruby on Rails applications, as well as your RSpec specs. The VS …
    By Harrison Broadbent, 51 words
  13. Rock and Null
    Tech, software and whatever comes to mind. More info

    How to clear the state of the app in Maestro tests (iOS)
    While UI testing may seem straightforward at first glance, it can quickly become complex, especially when dealing with various app states. One of the main challenges is preparing the app for different test scenarios.The Issue …
    By Michael Mavris, 337 words
  14. /var/
    Various programming stuff. By Serafeim Papastefanos. 🇬🇷 More info

    A simple OpenID connect tutorial
    A simple tutorial for OpenID connect using only HTTP requests
    By Serafeim Papastefanos, 14 words
  15. Weblog archive
    By James Bennett. 🇺🇸 More info

    Know your Python container types
    This is the last of a series of posts I’m doing as a sort of Python/Django Advent calendar, offering a small tip or piece of information each day from the first Sunday of Advent through …
    By James Bennett, 83 words