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Blogs about War games

7 blogs about War games.

  1. Chicago Skirmish Wargames
    Visually beautiful gaming in a casual environment. 🇺🇸 More info

    AAR- Mordheim Campaign Kickoff!
    Last month we had the kickoff of our Summer 2024 Mordheim Campaign. 7 Members were in attendance divided among 3 games. Before the Game I prepared 2 of the 3 tables. One predominantly comprised of …
    By Karl Paulsen, 655 words
  2. FauxHammer - Blog
    For Miniature Painters, Hobbyists and fans of Painting Games Workshop Miniatures. We also review Tools and Accessories used to support your modelling goals. More info

    Necromunda: Hive Secundus Review for Miniature Painters
    Welcome back Hive Scum, This week we are taking a look at the new Necromunda Game, Hive Secundus, This box The post Necromunda: Hive Secundus Review for Miniature Painters appeared first on FauxHammer.
    By FauxHammer, 40 words
  3. Joseph A. McCullough
    Writer & Games Designer. 🇬🇧 More info

    Deathship One – Now Available!
    My new (mini) miniatures game Deathship One, is now available as a PDF or print-on-demand through In this solo or co-operative game, you play a squad of soldiers that has been pulled out of …
    By Joseph A McCullough, 55 words
  4. Keep Your Powder Dry
    English Civil War wargaming, British Civil Wars, Wars of the Three Kingdoms. 🇬🇧 More info

    So You Want To Know About The New Model Army?
    The second instalment in what could be a very one sided, short lived series.But first we need to talk about the term 'New Model Army'. 'Tis nought but a Victorian affectation (courtesy Thomas Carlyle in …
    By Radar, 1,081 words
  5. Tabletop Fix
    Unofficial - Independent - Non-Commercial. More info

    Mantic Games - New Releases
    Mantic Games offers new bundles of 3D-printable Deadzone miniatures:Link: Mantic Games
    By Tabletop Fix, 16 words
  6. Tale of Painters » Classic Blog
    Free Warhammer painting tutorials, hobby reviews, and miniature showcases on Tale of Painters, the unofficial Warhammer hobby magazine. By Stahly, Garfy. 🇩🇪 🇬🇧 More info

    Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Prosecutors (inc. painting guide)
    I'm continuing my month long quest to paint a Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead and for this week I'm painting a unit of Prosecutors. Armed with a Stormcall Javelin these warriors leap into action on wings of …
    By Garfy, 58 words
  7. Worlds in Miniature
    A hobby photo blog. By Chris M. 🇬🇧 More info

    2024-05-13 13:36
    Don’t get me started on the fact that if you do login, you’re taken to the store homepage instead of the specific page you were trying to visit in the first place …
    33 words