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  Personal blogs

358 blogs in Personal blogs. Page 12 of 18.

  1. Nick Sweeney
    much less than could be described in this sp. 🇺🇸 More info

    w/ apologies to Tom
    O shred shred shred they all go into the shredder The paper into crosscut traces, the paper torn from paper. The trash bills, cancelled cheques and plaintive requests for money, The invoices paid and unpaid, …
    By nick, 115 words
  2. Nicky Makes Words Sometimes
    at the insistence of no-one i have typed things. By Nicky Case. More info

    Signal Boosts for June 2024
    Ay it's yo' girl Nicky, sharing another collection of cool/useful stuff I found last month! In no particular order: An actually-good tutor-bot A note-taking app Data detectives Binging on mystery novels I FOUND A FIVE-LEAF …
    1,782 words
  3. Nigeness
    A hedonic resource. 🇬🇧 More info

    Olympians All
    So, who won the first Olympic medals for the Irish Free State, at the Paris Olympics of 1924? The answer is surprising – Jack Butler Yeats, the painter brother of the poet William, and Oliver …
    By Nige, 189 words
  4. Niklas's blog
    By Niklas Pivic. 🇸🇪 More info

    The fourth of July, via Frederick Douglass
    Frederick Douglass in 1879. Photograph taken by George Kendall Warren. On this fourth of July, I quote Howard Zinn and Frederick Douglass, as printed in Zinn's extremely important and readable book A People's History of …
    388 words
  5. Noisy Decent Graphics
    A series of blog posts by Ben Terrett. 🇬🇧 More info

    A logo for a dentist
    Early morning, sat having a cortado, I noticed this logo on the dentist surgery over the road. At first I noticed the rounded bits of the ends of the letters, the stems. The way they …
    By Ben, 115 words
  6. Notes from a Room
    By Peter Holm Jensen. 🇬🇧 More info

    Perish and rise up again
    It is one of the clichés of our time that we all have our stories to tell. But Kafka tells us here that such stories are always self-serving, created by us to protect ourselves from …
    By notesfromaroom, 311 words
    The place Paul Mison puts the random stuff that doesn't go elsewhere. 🇺🇸 More info

    British Rail timetable covers, 1977-1980, all featuring the Class 43 locomotive that led the…
    British Rail timetable covers, 1977-1980, all featuring the Class 43 locomotive that led the then-new Intercity 125 trains, from Tranport Past Times (1979; 1978; 1977).The Class 43’s iconic design was led by Kenneth Grange, who …
    53 words
  8. Notes, links, etc
    A personal scrapbook for things I find interesting and feel like sharing. By Denise. 🇬🇧 More info

    Baby seagulls in Brighton
    This is a post about looking after baby seagulls in need. You’re from Brighton, you’ll like it.
    21 words
  9. Oatmeal
    A digital pillow fort. 🇺🇸 More info

    2024-07-22 20:28
    “It’s hard for a hungry man to swager” This line from The Tale of Thorleif Earl’s Poet has gotta be one of the greatest lines from all of Icelandic saga literature.
    31 words
  10. ODonnellWeb
    The blog of Chris ODonnell. By Chris O'Donnell. 🇺🇸 More info

    Camping at Big Meadows in Shenandoah National Park
    Trip:45 Nights: 152-153 It had been a month since we went camping. Real life intervened and forced the cancellation of two camping trips in July. We originally planned to spend last week camping near Knoxville …
    By Chris ODonnell, 377 words
  11. Of Esox & observations
    You'll never make a difference being the same as everyone else. By Dylan Wrathall. 🇬🇧 More info

    Pegwell Little Egrets
    I took a drive down to Pegwell Bay NNR this afternoon to coincide with high tide. I actually stayed longer than I'd anticipated due to a belt of rain which had me confined within the …
    By Dylan Wrathall, 353 words
  12. Off the Top ::
    By Thomas Vander Wal. 🇺🇸 More info

    Weeknote - 27 December 2020
    Ahhh! Year end holiday break. This is deeply needed. Ten days of long walks, reading, writing, and perhaps some planning ahead this stretch. The past week turned out rather well after hitting a wall, but …
    412 words
  13. Oh Hello Ana - Blog
    Ana's personal blog. By Ana Rodrigues. 🇬🇧 More info

    A love letter to the community-led events
    I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for community-led events in the front-end community, and I am forever grateful for that. However, I am heartbroken by the current state of the events. …
    692 words
  14. ohhey[blog]
    Writings by Brian Bennett. 🇺🇸 More info

    Goals Check In
    We're about halfway through 2024 and I haven't blogged in a while, so here's a simple check in on the goals I set at the start of the year, particularly the ones that are still …
    By Brian, 283 words
  15. ongoing by Tim Bray
    ongoing is short for “ongoing fragmented essay” or in the common parlance a blog, launched in February of 2003. The unifying themes are Truth, Technology, and Business. 🇨🇦 More info

    Terse Directions
    This post describes a service I want from my online-map provider. I’d use it all the time. Summary: When I’m navigating an area I already know about, don’t give me turn-by-turn, just give me a …
    386 words
  16. Open Thinkering
    Doug Belshaw's blog. 🇬🇧 More info

    TB871: Conflict management and systems thinking
    Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category. The video below shows the …
    By Doug Belshaw, 435 words
  17. Orange Crate Art
    “It goes idea by idea”. By Michael Leddy. 🇺🇸 More info

    How to improve writing (no. 123)
    In The New York Times today, in an article about the attempted assassination: The crack of the bullets are heard as they pass the microphone that Mr. Trump speaks into. Subject and verb should always …
    By Michael Leddy, 192 words
    By James Burt. 🇬🇧 More info

    Monthnotes: June 2024
    June was a packed but tiring month. It started with the EMF Camp festival, included a visit to Blackpool, a holiday in Wales and many visitors. I came to the end of it worn out, …
    By orbific, 1,208 words
  19. p1k3
    Writing by Brennen Bearnes. More info

    Monday, January 4, 2021 - keeping a log: 9 months / ~1k entries in
    Monday, January 4, 2021 keeping a log: 9 months / ~1k entries in Previously: org mode, vimwiki, timeslice. Mechanisms inspired directly by: A demo & talk from Lars Wirzenius on his ikiwiki-based external brain and …
    976 words
  20. pasta & vinegar — Nicolas Nova
    mind/tech bazar from outer space. 🇨🇭 🇫🇷 More info

    New article for Atelier Luma
    A chapter about the kinds of investigations/inquiries designers put together in their work, in the book by Atelier Luma, celebrating their ten years of design research.Nova, N. 2023. Les designers-enquêteurs et leur singularité, Pratiques biorégionales …
    By nicolas nova, 50 words