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  1. Learning By Shipping, , more info

    When a Business Pleads to be Regulated
    On regulatory capture…1/ There are two reactions a company can have when faced with calls for regulation. One is to appear to capitulate & work w/regulators to find a least disruptive path. Other is to fight it knowing you’re turning over control of your roadmap to a bureaucracy. There’s one more…2/ Enter AI and the new big tech, who directly or historically have battled regulation for ~100 yrs. A new …
    By Steven Sinofsky, 1,129 words
  2. cartoonconnie comics blog, , more info

    Tune Out All But the Essential
    I've been navigating some life changes and feeling a bit overwhelmed, but am trying to tune out the noise and focus on what's most important. Thanks for reading. More artwork to come!Connie on Ko-fi[2-panel comic illustration about focusing on what's important when feeling overwhelmed. Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a bun, covering her ears and surrounded by noisy, jagged, crackly lines. In panel 2, she focuses on the …
    By Connie Sun, 118 words
  3., , more info

    Kraken Not Found
    OK, I built a new PC last year, and it’s been generally awesome. Except for one little thing. I put a NZXT Kraken Z53 in it. The Z53 is a nifty dual-fan all-in-one water cooler, complete with a little screen that shows the temperature of my cooling loop (or a GIF of my choice, whatever). It comes in a variety of sizes and is available in both white and black, …
    By notthatwillsmith, 378 words
  4. Fleen, , more info

    Faith, In The End, Is Rewarded
    Few people I know still have an RSS reader, ever since Google did us all dirty and essentially killed the entire idea of RSS; as such, I keep an oldschool bookmark list of comics that I open daily. Things that don’t update on particular days, or perhaps are on hiatus, they get opened up along with the more active sites; the cost of doing so is negligible. And sometimes, that …
    By Gary Tyrrell, 194 words
  5. Looking at the other side, , more info

    Heartbeats on this blog are suspended
    I must maximize the silent time and remove as many activities as possible for a while. Writing is a non-negotiable for me, but public writing is not. I hope to one day resume writing here. Thanks for reading. #Life
    45 words
  6. No Shortage of Dreams, , more info

    Apollo-Soyuz II (1974)
    Image credit: NASA.The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) had its origins in talks aimed at developing a common U.S./Soviet docking system for space rescue. The concept of a common docking system was first put forward in 1970; it was assumed at that time, however, that the docking system would be developed for future spacecraft, such as the U.S. Space Station/Space Shuttle, not the U.S. Apollo
    67 words
  7. The Entire Kitchen Sink, , more info

    The Entire Kitchen Sink Redux
    Hi! Welcome to a kinda-sorta complete overview of everything Kitchen Sink published. I started this project in late 2021, and it took me a year and a half to complete. Compared with some of my other comics reading projects (see sidebar to the right) I kinda-sorta failed: The schtick with these projects is to read everything a publisher has er published, and then natter on about each series a bit. …
    By larsmagne23, 1,959 words
  8. Laurent Brondel, , more info

    # 203 "The 28" red spruce / Brazilian RW
    By lblutherie, 10 words
  9. Side Projects | Kevin Nørby Andersen, , more info

    Week 109: My AI Team
    Just like week 108, I started writing this post late-march, but got so busy that it wasn’t finished and published until May. On March 21, Morten Just posted a tweet that set my brain on fire: Apparently, he had created a Slack bot with different personas based on which slack channel he uses, e.g. #ai-copywriter for copy writing, #ai-web-developer, #ai-lawyer, etc. I thought the idea of having an AI team …
    1,172 words
  10. Stopdesign | Creative outlet of Douglas Bowman, , more info

    Designing a conference
    We just wrapped up our 13th conference. This was our first three-day event. Up until this one, all past FLOCK events basically fit into a single day. Each event has its own theme, curated for small business entrepreneurs, writers, photographers, and content creators. The theme for this event, Show Me the Money, revolved around ways for creators to diversify and expand their revenue streams. It was held at Disney World …
    By Doug, 953 words
  11. Almad's Changelog, , more info

    On Reducing Problems to the One AI Thing
    We are now living in the age of OpenAI narrative, and a lot of problems are to be aligned to fit it. What are going to be side-effects of its implementation is going to be very interesting.
    45 words
  12. Niche Museums: Find tiny museums near you, , more info

    Pioneer Memorial Museum
    The Pioneer Memorial Museum makes the bold claim to host "the world's largest collection of artifacts on one subject" - that subject being stuff that pioneers brought with them to Utah! It's certainly a very impressive collection: many thousands of artifacts spread across six separate floors, covering all manner of items from roughly the 1840s to the 1870s. There's an absolute cornucopia of things to see, from chests and buckets …
    By Simon Willison, 218 words
  13. Eurovision - BBC Blogs, , more info

    Last remaining Eurovision Song Contest 2023 tickets!
    As the stage build nears completion, the remaining tickets for each of the nine live shows which make up the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 are set to be released. Tickets will go on sale at 12:00 (midday) BST (13:00 CET) on Monday 24th April. Tickets will only be available to purchase at Ticketmaster UK regardless of the country you are booking from, and you can only purchase tickets for one …
    328 words
  14. Soul Sides, , more info

    (I’ve said this in the past but I don’t want artists dying to be only time I actually write new content. I guess I don’t spend enough time giving flowers to the living; I really need to work on that. –O.W.) I always feel awkward paying tribute to an artist that I initially discovered through...
    By O-Dub, 60 words
  15. Meately, , more info

    Why I Sometimes Prefer a Food Dehydrator Over Traditional Biltong Drying or a Biltong Box
    Traditionally, biltong was dried by hanging it in a cool and dry space with good ventilation, but nowadays, modern technology has introduced more efficient ways of drying biltong. One of these methods is using a food dehydrator or a biltong box. What is a Food Dehydrator? Like most of us, I wasn’t familiar with many cooking appliances. A food dehydrator is an electrical appliance that removes moisture from food items, …
    By Meately Brothers, 591 words