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  1. Swiftjective-C, , more info

    Recreating Readable Content Guide Sizing in SwiftUI
    The readableContentGuide(docs) API was (and still is) such a quintessential quality of life fix for UIKit developers. With the rise of # h u g e iPad devices emerging with iOS 9, the need to reasonably size views primarily meant for reading became important. As such, Cupertino & Friends© gifted us a straightforward way to do just that: private func setupTableView() { tableView = UITableView(frame: .zero, style: .grouped) tableView.dataSource = …
    By Jordan Morgan, 578 words
  2. 11011110, , more info

    The Pentium as a Navajo weaving (\(\mathbb{M}\)), a 1994 rug by Marilou Schultz in the the National Gallery of Art designed from an image of the Intel Pentium integrated circuit. On matching algorithms to solve single rows, columns, and boxes of sudoku puzzles (\(\mathbb{M}\)). As mentioned in my first blog post, 19 years ago. The 2024 arXiv accessibility forum (\(\mathbb{M}\)). Planar point sets with forbidden four-point patterns and few distinct …
    By David Eppstein, 952 words
  3. Oatmeal, , more info

    📸 Photo
    Solar powered.
    4 words
  4. Alabama Yesterdays, , more info

    A 1985 Map of Hoover
    I've written a number of pieces on this blog about various Alabama maps; one of these days I may put together a post that's a list of those posts. At any rate, here we are again.Son Amos and I were recently going through some of the endless stuff around our house and came across this map of Hoover. We both agreed these kinds of graphic maps are pretty neat.This map …
    By AlabamaYesterdays, 458 words
  5. Dark Highways, , more info

    Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
    This movie, like the characters that live in its frame, has got sand. Grit. Guts. This movie seduces your spouse and then winks at you and you find you can’t hold a grudge. Sam Peckinpah’s Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid is one of the grizzly director’s great masterpieces but only became so long after it was released. The studio cut all the life out of it but it was …
    By S. Brady Calhoun, 811 words
  6. Dreams of Space - Books and Ephemera, , more info

    The Boy Who Discovered the Earth (1955)
    Continuing with a bit of a flying saucer theme today is The Boy Who Discovered The Earth. It is a pleasant science fiction novel for kids about an alien boy who is left behind on Earth. He makes friends with the locals and learns about dogs, baseball, and the life of children on another planet. The only trick is they don't look like humans at the beginning but disguise themselves …
    By John Sisson, 145 words
  7. | Blog, , more info

    The open web, MIDI and assistive tech: State of the Browser 2024
    Yesterday, I was at State of the Browser in London. It was great to catch up with friends and make new ones, and the talks were once again very well curated. In this post, I'll share some notes from the day and the takeaways that stood out to me the most. The Barbican tube station Think about funding the web ecosystem Stephanie Stimac kicked us off with a brilliant talk …
    1,067 words
  8. Cal Bryant, , more info

    FPV drone simulator 2000
    I’ve recently got into a bit of a rabbit hole with FPV quadcopter drones.1 Specifically with a “mini-whoop” style drone, the Meteor 75 Pro. ...sneak preview of the end product!
    34 words
  9. THE BEACHBURG SUB, , more info

    Summer observations in Eastern Ontario
    From time to time, I collect some random sightings into an observations post. Mostly, the posts centre around Ottawa, but I'm happy to have a few images from Kingston, so this post will be an Eastern Ontario post. However, I do want to start with a bit of news from Ottawa.Farewell, 4977 You may have noticed, if you follow this organization on Facebook, that the Bytown Railway Society has found …
    By Michael, 1,093 words
  10. The Arts of (Slow) Cinema, , more info

    Green Border – Agnieszka Holland (2023)
    The history of Western encounters with ‘the other’ is a horrifying collection of oppression, colonisation, extermination; of seemingly intellectual debates about race and the superiority of one race over another; of inflammatory remarks, persecution, camps. Anyone who was not Western (specifically European) and Christian (mainly Catholic) was considered vermin, subhuman, a danger to public life. […]
    By Nadin Mai, 62 words
  11., , more info

    Compliment your enemies (TLP 2024w37)
    For every promoter you will have several detractors so you must be ready to deal with them. Compliment your enemies to disarm or confuse them.
    30 words
  12. Questions Considered, , more info

    First Principles Exist
    First principles are fundamental truths or building blocks — the essential basics of any given situation, problem or context. Think of them like mathematical axioms, natural laws or foundational truths that govern how something works. When you break something down to its foundational elements, you eliminate the noise and distractions of assumptions and analogies. You can see it more clearly for what it is. That clarity will lead you to …
    By Alex Bendig, 276 words
  13. The Blockchain Socialist - Blog Archives, , more info

    K2: Panic! At the Raave (Audio)
    Tiaa makes a big mistake in the cryo-hangar, Bryan Jognson is attacked by adrenochrome junkies, and the Doge is reborn. You can find the full text to read along to here. You can follow along the story here on Paragragh. Don’t forget to Subscribe to get the next installments in your inbox :) If you liked the song in the audio, you can find it here. To view this content …
    By The Blockchain Socialist, 93 words
  14. Stefan Judis Web Development, , more info

    Web Weekly #141 (#blogPost)
    Guten Tag! Guten Tag! 👋Do you know how the LCP metric is calculated? Or when to use display: contents? Or do you wonder when we'll finally be able to style native select elements? Turn on the Web Weekly tune and find all the answers below. Enjoy! Dirk listens to "Black Coffee @ Salle Wagram in Paris, France for Cercle" Black Coffee at this beautiful Salle Wagram in Paris. I like …
    1,249 words
  15. Separated by a Common Language, , more info

    crochet, boondoggle, scoubidou
    Before the school year started, the 16-year-old and I (BrE) had a day out at a "Learn to Crochet" course. Here's my first. slightly (BrE) wonky (orig AmE) granny square (which, according to this site were once called American crochet in Europe):The instructor started by warning to always ascertain the provenance of a crochet pattern before embarking on it because the US and UK terminology differ in potentially disastrous ways. …
    By lynneguist, 696 words