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  1. Nutfield Genealogy, , more info

    The Merchant Exchange Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for Weathervane Wednesday
    This weathervane was photographed from our hotel room window in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.This was our view from our hotel window, the Marriott Renaissance, located between Independence Hall and the Museum of the American Revolution. It was a beautiful, gilded weathervane, and it took a long time on Google Maps and the internet to figure out which historic building had this weathervane. Finally we discovered it was atop the Merchant Exchange Building. …
    By Heather Wilkinson Rojo, 255 words
  2. Adactio: Links, , more info

    Living In A Lucid Dream
    I love the way that Claire L. Evans writes.
    15 words
  3. Preserved Traction, , more info

    The Auto-Railer
    It's rare for me to even mention anything with an internal combustion engine in relationship with PNAERC, but on occasion, something pops up that's cool enough that even I can't manage to find it uninteresting. And so, courtesy of some timely photos and information from our friend Bill Wall, I present the Evans Auto-Railer.Back in the 1930s, there was a small market for rail buses, with many of the examples …
    By Frank Hicks, 385 words
  4. blog7t, , more info

    Hampstead Heath parkrun
    The settlement of Hampstead sits within the London Borough of Camden, in north London, and is one of the capital city's most exclusive and expensive places to live. In fact Hampstead village has the highest concentration of millionaires in the country. The geology of the area meant that natural springs were present. Hampstead had its own Chalybeate spring (meaning the water had a high iron content), and this was regarded …
    By copy7t, 2,939 words
  5. Fishing & stuff ..., , more info

    Forever changed
    Last week the whole time I sat on the beach in front of the pounding waves my mind wasn’t on what I was doing. I wasn’t thinking about how to combat the conditions and winkle out a fish, in my head I was in the valley sitting beside a quiet, tree lined river. I tuned out the roar and rush of the breaking waves and in my head could only …
    5,329 words
  6. idiolect – i must invent my own systems, , more info

    a Philosopher on Drugs
    Just one quote from This Is a Philosopher on Drugs by Justin Smith-Ruiu, Wired, Mar 7, 2023: “Early in my new life as a late-blooming pothead, one thing that struck me was just what a crummy deal we in the West had been given, whereby all mind-altering substances had been prohibited and stigmatized, except for the one that has such negative medical and social consequences in its overuse as to …
    By tom, 224 words
  7., , more info

    2024-09-16 02:03
    I’ve got to say, I’m lurking in various pregnancy/“new parent” subreddits and it’s weird to me how often I see comments like “in our parents’ generation breastfeeding was discouraged” or “dads didn’t change nappies then” or whatever. I was born in the early 90s and my mum/aunts absolutely felt the same enormous pressure to make breastfeeding work as exists today… and the men did their fair share of active baby …
    100 words
  8., , more info

    What’s It like to Be an Official Pacer at a Marathon Race?
    The vast majority of public race events build upon the help of unpaid volunteers. This had been obvious to me since the first running races I did and it didn’t take much longer for the urge to form to one day start “paying back the favor”. I figured when I’m old and grey, possibly injured or for some other reason couldn’t or wouldn’t run myself anymore, that would be a …
    By Teesche | Tim Teege, 3,568 words
  9. The Book Haven, , more info

    “When do you become yourself?” How Emerson became Emerson.
    Apostle of Noncomformity “I’d say you’re always involved personally with the biography you’re writing, no matter how hard you work to muss the trail.” That’s what friend and fellow author James Marcus told me some time ago.He ought to know. He’s the celebrated author of Glad to the Brink of Fear: A Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson, newly out with Princeton University Press. I’ve been following James’s long labor for …
    By Cynthia Haven, 585 words
  10., , more info

    Week 193: Small toe
    L— was away for most of the week at a conference in Vienna and then taking a long route back on trains via Zurich and Paris. I entertained myself by cooking unreasonably spicy food and attempting to render some of Bashō’s haiku into English while still being haiku (according to an English concept of syllables). Some were more successful than others. 物いへば 唇寒し 秋の風 You might say it— but your …
    741 words
  11. Beautiful Public Data, , more info

    Visualizing Ship Movements with AIS Data
    Some details of AIS tracking data around some of America's busiest waterways. Data: NOAA; Map: Jon Keegan / Beautiful Public Data As we run, drive, bike, and fly, humans leave behind telltale tracks of movement on Earth—if you know where to look. Physical tracks, thermal signatures, and chemical traces can reveal where we’ve been. But another type of breadcrumb trail comes from the radio signals emitted by the cars, planes, …
    By Jon Keegan, 948 words
  12. CoffeeGeek Daily Blog, , more info

    Water Filters Saved My Espresso Machine
    Want a lowkey way to not only bring your coffee o the next level, but also give your espresso machine some happiness? Get a water filter! The post Water Filters Saved My Espresso Machine appeared first on CoffeeGeek.
    By Natia Simmons, 44 words
  13. Epsilon's World, , more info

    Retro PC builds in 2024 - Part 1
    Where time allows this year, I have been doing PC build projects for Compaq LTE Elite laptop (486), IBM Aptiva (AMD-K6 500), Compaq DeskPro (P3-1Ghz), Core i7 PC I built back in 2011, and Pentium 200MMX setup on IBM PC300GL with OS/2, plus adding a parallel ZIP, HP iPAQ, Sony Clie Palm into the mix.Whew.This work has been ongoing since May, being done in small chunks when I had time. …
    By Epsilon, 2,726 words
  14. smitten kitchen, , more info

    lemon chicken with potatoes and chickpeas
    It’s humbling that way every September, without fail, knocks me on my rump. One week, you’re breezy and unscheduled, reading books on a beach and tearing lobster apart with your bare hands (indeed, we were in Maine) and the next you’re realizing a certain fetid backpack was never emptied on the last day of school in June, scrambling for after-school care, and despite the fact that I work every week …
    By deb, 297 words
  15. ars ludi, , more info

    Time Capsule: Story Games Seattle FAQ
    “It’s about giving everyone (everyone) an equal voice. Our ground is level and our table is round. It’s as simple as that. Story Games Seattle is about participation. We want to hear what you have to say and we want you to hear what everyone else at the table has to say too.” This is (to me at least) a very interesting time capsule, outlining our philosophy and principles from …
    By Ben Robbins, 260 words