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  1. whygodwhy, , more info

    The Two Women I Briefly Worked With
    One was at Subway. Call her Kelly, which may actually.have been her name. She was at least 15 years older than the rest of us. Raspy voice, smoked. Chatty, but fun, not annoying. Slightly broken teeth, like she’d seen some shit. Had this theory that if you buy a new car you have to take it on the highway and really gun it to “blow out the system” and thus …
    By kfan, 401 words
  2. Shtetl-Optimized, , more info

    The International Olympiad in Injustice
    Today is the day I became radicalized in my Jewish and Zionist identities. Uhhh, you thought that had already happened? Like maybe in the aftermath of October 7, or well before then? Hahahaha no. You haven’t seen nothin’ yet. See, a couple days ago, I was consoling myself on Facebook that, even as the arts and humanities and helping professions appeared to have fully descended into 1930s-style antisemitism, with “Zionists” …
    By Scott, 1,859 words
  3. Action Figure Barbecue, , more info

    Action Figure Review: Carl "Doc" Greer from G.I. Joe: Series by Hasbro
    I'm on a bit of a G.I. Joe: Classified Series review spree and today I'm checking out Carl "Doc" Greer, the original medic for the G.I. Joe team. Doc was a fairly prominent character in most of the various animated shows over the years and a memorable character in the original Marvel Comics run by Larry Hama. Doc's also often remembered for his death in Trucial Abysmia at the hands …
    By Barbecue17, 1,461 words
  4. Tecznts, , more info

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  5. Perfume Posse, , more info

    Spritz Week at Chez Portia
    Perfume PosseSpritz Week at Chez Portia Hiya Posse, I thought instead of a review this week I’d note the things I wore and what to. We are in Spring in ... Perfume PosseSpritz Week at Chez Portia
    By Portia, 42 words
  6. Knowledge and resources | Open Innovations, , more info

    Project Launch: techUK Local Digital Index
    By: Luke StrangeLaunch of a new project We’re excited to announce the launch of a new project to create techUK’s Local Digital Index for the next 3 years (2024-2026) in partnership with The Data City. In simple terms, we're going to build a tool to see the impact and value of the tech sector for the national and regional economies. Who are techUK and The Data City? techUK is the …
    711 words
  7. Spelling Mistakes Cost Lives /// Darren Cullen, , more info

    Due to high demand I'm going to open the Museum of Neoliberalism for three final days this week before I'm finally kicked out of my studio, ending with a closing party on Saturday night. Museum open this week Thurs-Sat, 26th-28th Sept. 11am-7pm Party on Saturday from 8.30pm til late. All welcome. Also on Saturday from 7-8.30 is a small event where I'll be interviewing Ralph Billington, a local 88 year-old …
    By Darren Cullen, 304 words
  8. Calum Ryan - Articles, , more info

    Weeknote 93
    Over the weekend I attended my first Chilean Fiestas Patrias. Much Chilean food was consumed for the party, including sopapillas with pebre, barbecued meats, plus some beef empanadas that I made. Concluding the feast was a delicious cuatro leches cake that Ximena made. Prior to the party we enjoyed a small breakfast at The Dusty Knuckle bakery which we'd not been to for over a year. Unusually there wasn't a …
    206 words
  9. Shiny New Books, , more info

    Rare Singles by Benjamin Myers
    Review by Annabel Myers is one of those British authors who writes something totally different every time he puts pen to paper, with the exception that almost all of his novels are set in Northern England. His previous title was the Goldsmiths Prize-winning epic chunkster Cuddy, retelling the life of the unofficial 7th-century patron saint of the North of England, St Cuthbert, which sits closest to his 2017 prize-winning novel …
    By Shiny New Books, 1,025 words
  10. Melbourne on Transit, , more info

    UN 186: Top PT issues for each local government area
    As I mentioned last week, local government elections are coming up. Local councils can't fix PT but they can advocate for improvements to infrastructure and services. And where they control roads and parking they can improve the operating environment for buses and their passengers. Here's a quick whip around all Melbourne's local government areas and what I see as the top few big PT issues for each one. This could …
    By Peter Parker, 4,541 words
  11. The Shape of Everything, , more info

    My iPhone Battery Life After a Year at 80% Charge Limit
    Juli Clover at MacRumors: With the iPhone 15 models that came out last year, Apple added an opt-in battery setting that limits maximum charge to 80 percent. The idea is that never charging the iPhone above 80 percent will increase battery longevity, so I kept my ‌iPhone‌ at that 80 percent limit from September 2023 to now, with no cheating. … My ‌iPhone 15‌ Pro Max battery level is currently …
    189 words
  12. Edward Feser, , more info

    The latest on Immortal Souls
    Philosophers William Vallicella and Christopher Kaczor weigh in on my new book Immortal Souls: A Treatise on Human Nature. At his blog, Bill writes: “Like all of Feser's books, Immortal Souls is a model of expository clarity and analytic precision informed by an extensive knowledge of the contemporary literature.” At Word on Fire, Chris writes: Feser offers a tour de force… The ambitions of Feser’s book are great. He aims …
    By Edward Feser, 315 words
  13. 512 Pixels, , more info

    iMore Shutting Down
    From the most recent post over on iMore, announcing that no new posts will be published on the site: It’s a keen reminder that the world of technology never stands still: The term ‘artificial intelligence’ was the reserve of science fiction in the early days of the iPhone. The world of publishing is forever evolving too, as do the forms of technology journalism that look to shine a light on …
    By Stephen Hackett, 229 words
  14. GrilloPress, , more info

    Justifying design's impact
    I’ve been in a few places where there’s been talk about justifying the cost of UCD and similar roles. At first glance it’s a fair point. What impact do we have? How are we helping? How do we ensure we’re doing the best we can? But the question rarely gets asked in that spirit. It’s one of the ways I note the health of an organisation or profession. If the …
    By Andrew Duckworth, 1,606 words
  15. The Garden, , more info

    A death on the internet
    A video popped up in my Youtube recommendations recently that gave me pause. I didn’t recognise the name of the channel, or the man on the thumbnail, sat unbothered atop a log in a distinct yellow hunting jacket. Beside that image were two short words: “I’m Dead”. It’s an omnipresent trope of fiction, and it’s a strange feeling seeing it cross into the real world. “As i’m recording this today, …
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