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  1. Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog, , more info

    Celebrity Cigarette Commercials
    Continuing a thread about vintage TV ads we last did on September 8, today's post delves into 1950's and 1960's Commercial Land, specifically cigarettes.To get in the mood, it's time for a cuppa joe from Conquistador Coffee!Since the September 8 post started with animated ads, here are some very good ones plugging Lucky "LSMFT" Strikes.While I don't know offhand who produced the stylish "It's Light Up Time" ads, they are …
    By Paul F. Etcheverry, 378 words
  2. Brad Frost | Blog, , more info

    Why every UX/UI designer should attend a masterclass with Brad Frost | by Zoi
    Well this is just a really nice piece of flattery, and a nice breakdown of my design system masterclass I delivered at HATCH Conference in Berlin last year. I truly enjoy teaching masterclasses, running workshops, and working with teams to help people understand important concepts, provide resources, and share my own experience working with dozens of teams on design system efforts. Thanks Zoi!
    By Brad Frost, 77 words
  3. Pixel Envy, , more info

    ⌥ Mark Zuckerberg’s Political Zag
    The New York Times recently ran a one–two punch of stories about the ostensibly softening political involvement of Mark Zuckerberg and Meta — where by “punch”, I mean “gentle caress”. Sheera Frenkel and Mike Isaac on Meta “distanc[ing] itself from politics”: On Facebook, Instagram and Threads, political content is less heavily featured. App settings have been automatically set to de-emphasize the posts that users see about campaigns and candidates. And …
    By Nick Heer, 1,077 words
  4. Gurney Journey, , more info

    Penovác's Cats
    Endre Penovác (Serbia, b. 1956) paints cats using a unique wet-into-wet technique. He uses a wet-in-wet technique, which involves applying wet paint to a pre-wetted surface. This approach allows the pigments to blend and spread organically, creating soft, ethereal effects.More about how he paints these cats on my Substack post
    By James Gurney, 52 words
  5., , more info

    Relax With George Clooney at the End of a Movie
    It has been a week. It’s not going to fix anything, but maybe watching George Clooney chilling at the end of a movie will help you in some small way. He has perfected the art of just chillin’ out silently for an extended period of time during the last shot of a movie while the credits roll… (via laura olin) Tags: George Clooney · movies · video 💬 Join the …
    By Jason Kottke, 84 words
  6. Not One-Off Britishisms, , more info

    “Pap” h/t Nancy Friedman
    Nancy Friedman is one of my favorite writers on language, so I was over the moon to read her write-up of my book Gobsmacked! I can’t imagine a better appreciation of what I’ve tried to do with the blog and the book. Her piece also reminded me that, some months back, Nancy had suggested I write about “pap”–a noun for paparazzi photographers, and a verb for what they do, as …
    By Ben Yagoda, 407 words
  7. Trailspotting, , more info

    Mt Israel, Squam Lake NH
    • 4-star hikes • 4 mile out-and-back • Medium difficulty | Gain 1,750 feet • Sandwich, NH | White Mountains . Looking towards the White Mountains from the summit. Standing at 2,636 feet of elevation and located just four miles north of Squam Lake, Mount Israel's trails lead panoramic viewpoints in all directions. From up here you can enjoy sights that include Squam Lake and the ragged Sandwich mountain range …
    By Stuart Green, 595 words
  8. Flaming Pablum, , more info

    Exhuming St. Marks Sounds
    Back in 2015, after having weepily documented the long, slow demise of storied record shop, Bleecker Bob’s at 118 West 3rd Street, I posted an entry about myself and my friend Steve having lunch at Miyabi, the Japanese restaurant that had assumed the long-contested address on West 3rd. Late last year, however, Miyabi quietly closed without a great deal of fanfare. I’m not suggesting there’s any sort of cause-&-effect correlation …
    By Alex in NYC, 678 words
  9. Jim Caroll - Blog, , more info

    Daily Inspiration: Innovation & Corporate Culture – “Committees are an infrastructure designed to race you to the bottom of opportunity!”
    “Committees are an infrastructure designed to race you to the bottom of opportunity!” – Futurist Jim Carroll Committees kill ideas. Committees kill all initiative. Committees kill the idea of innovation. Committees are the destroyer of all things. Did I mention I think committees are a bad idea? “Let me check with the committee.” “We’ve got a committee looking into that.” “There’s a committee involved with the decision.” “We’ll send that …
    By JimCarroll, 769 words
  10. Hermitary – hermit's thatch, , more info

    Solitude – a pre-history
    In searching for a prototype modern hermit, one is confronted by the reality that after the Middle Ages, hermits in modernity were destined by authorities to disappear. In order to survive, eremitism transformed into solitude, and hermits transformed into solitaries. Unlike historical hermits, however, who seem so similar regardless of geography, culture, or era, solitaries present more variable phenomena. Life styles of modern solitaries depend more on circumstance and personality. …
    707 words
  11. Tim Boucher, , more info

    “Nevermades” are a conceptual evolution of Marcel Duchamp’s “readymades,” pushing the boundaries of authenticity and creation even further into the digital realm. While Duchamp recontextualized everyday objects as art by simply selecting them, nevermades are works that were never physically created at all. These virtual fabrications exist purely as digital constructs, challenging the traditional notions of art’s materiality and the value placed on physical objects. In the spirit of Duchamp’s …
    By Tim B., 184 words
  12. Schneier on Security, , more info

    Friday Squid Blogging: Map of All Colossal Squid Sightings
    Interesting map, from this paper. Blog moderation policy.
    By Bruce Schneier, 17 words
  13. CST Online | Television Studies Blog, , more info

    In this blog, I offer an autoethnographical account of what it means for TV scholars to take part in the conference continuum, which I argue is both familiar and strange in every iteration. Whether you are an ardent follower of certain large-scale conferences, or a serial “dipper in” to a plethora of small-scale events, you might not realise how to “find your fit” – when you turn up… Source
    By CSTonline, 79 words
  14. THE ANOMALIST, , more info

    New Paper on Chemical Classification of IM1 Spherules Published in Chemical Geology The Galileo Project/Harvard University
    The Galileo Project's Papua New Guinea expedition "has culminated in the publication of a major new paper by Professor Avi Loeb and his team in the prestigious Elsevier journal Chemical Geology. Thus Harvard's announcement, which also details some "key findings" from the 1.5M dollar effort. The announcement retains the claim the meteor was "interstellar," with admission that some spherules were "potentially of terrestrial origin," and, while stressing the "BeLaU" subset …
    241 words
  15. Flutterby™!, , more info

    Modern computing is just trying to keep
    Modern computing is just trying to keep up with all of the places where people have changed things for bullshit reasons, and fixing the resulting broken processes, until you die.
    37 words