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  1. Buried Treasure
    Reviewing the indie games everyone else missed. By John Walker. More info

    PC In 1439, a goldsmith named Johannes Gutenberg was working on an ill-begotten project to create polished metal mirrors designed to capture the holy light from religious relics, to be sold to pilgrims visiting an …
    By buriedtreasure, 1,110 words
  2. Literary Britain – Blog
    Travels through the literary landscape: a guide to places of literary interest in the British Isles and beyond. 🇬🇧 More info

    The Beatles
    I was late. The minibus was already at the stop. I did something I very rarely do and broke into a run. I was the last one there. I was shown into a minibus that, …
    By Literary Britain, 1,554 words
  3. Carnivorous Plants - Botanical Photography -
    Field reports about carnivorous plants and botanical oddities in their native habitats. Photos of wild specimines of Drosera, Pinguicula, and Darlingtonia. By Forbes Conrad. 🇲🇽 More info

    Stylidium debile in Cultivation
    Léelo en español Years ago, I grew Stylidium debile in California. After a long period of not growing any carnivorous plants, a friend gave me this division, which just began to flower. Yes, yes, this …
    By Forbes Conrad, 209 words
  4. Lucas da Silva - Blog
    Just my random thoughts and other random things that you may or may not find interesting. :). More info

    Yesterweek #28
    Yet another week went by, and it's Monday again.Currently a bit sick, some cold/flu started to annoy me over the weekend, and that sucks, but it could be way worse.Studying Japanese has been an amazing …
    By Lucas da Silva, 117 words
  5. Wesley’s Notebook
    More info

    Replacing the Anubis CGM Battery
    By Wesley Aptekar-Cassels
  6. Hardly Baked 2 - my drivel blog
    replacing Hardly Baked … "Really awful is more interesting to listen to than pretty good" - Eno. By Simon Reynolds. 🇺🇸 More info

    Clever Dick (invented genres 1 of ?)
    Love this tune by J DillaImagine my surprise on discovering that it is very largely composed out of a single 10cc song, "The Worst Band In the World".I much prefer the Dilla reconstruction - because …
    By SIMON REYNOLDS, 2,266 words
  7. Thinkige Kru 2
    successor to Thinkige Kru … vintage thoughts from others, vintage thoughts from me - varying degrees of profundity. By Simon Reynolds. 🇺🇸 More info

    2024-10-10 21:42
    One of the mysteries about pop is its repeatability. The way that repetition of a song doesn't dim its power, or only at extreme degrees of repetition (absolute blanket radio coverage causing you to get …
    By SIMON REYNOLDS, 185 words
  8. Shock and Awe 2
    successor to Shock and Awe … the blog of the Simon Reynolds book about glam and artpop of the 1970s and its aftershocks and reflections to this day. 🇺🇸 More info

    anti-theatricality and politics (McJobsworth / That's Angertainment)
    Perhaps no stunt in the history of U.S. politics deserves more ridicule than the grotesquely embarrassing mummery Trump put on at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s today. - Seth Abramson (bonus anti-theatricality points for use of the …
    By SIMON REYNOLDS, 388 words
  9. Webstory
    Peter Webster's blog. 🇬🇧 More info

    Anglican women: Mollie Batten
    In recent months I’ve had occasion to look at the lives of several Anglican women of the last century or so, for possible inclusion in a biographical dictionary. Many of these names have been overlooked …
    By peterwebster, 47 words
  10. The Research Whisperer
    Just like the Thesis Whisperer - but with more money. By Tseen Khoo, Jonathan O’Donnell. 🇦🇺 More info

    False economies
    This post began life as a comment on Yvonne Kjorlien’s excellent blog, The Reluctant Archaeologist. Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash. The economics of Australian universities First of all, there is the business model of …
    By Jonathan O'Donnell, 1,531 words
  11. DJ Adams
    I've been hacking on SAP enterprise software for more than three decades, and am still enjoying it. 🇬🇧 More info

    CAP plugins deconstructed - part 1 - understanding how the mechanism works
    In this first of a three part series of blog posts, we explore the CDS Plugin mechanism in CAP to find out how it works, so we are well prepared to write our own plugin. …
    1,832 words
  12. Mocoso - Joel Chippindale's blog
    A collection of Joel Chippindale's infrequent reckons. 🇬🇧 More info

    Take aways from LeadDev Berlin '23
    I really enjoyed attending and speaking at LeadDev Berlin in 2023. Here are just a few of the things that I took away from the conference. When to make quick decisions I learned the most …
    634 words
  13. Long story; short pier
    God, hes left as on aur oun. By Kip Manley. More info

    Crass commercialism
    As you might’ve heard, I have a book coming out next week. —Since it’s volume four of a long-running serial, and as has been noted, sequel fatigue is a thing, let’s do what we can …
    By kip, 105 words
  14. Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd film locations (and more)
    by John Bengtson "the great detective of silent film locations" New York Times. 🇺🇸 More info

    Buster Keaton Go West – many NEW discoveries on a new YouTube essay
    Thanks to the brilliant research by frequent guest blogger Jeffrey Castel de Oro, and the beautiful remote Arizona desert photos shared by dedicated EPA attorney and devoted Keaton fan Marie Muller, we can ‘visit’ online …
    By John Bengtson, 436 words
  15. Jeff Rapsis / Silent Film Music
    Chronicling the ongoing adventure of staging silent film screenings with live music in theaters in New England, USA and elsewhere. 🇺🇸 More info

    'Lost World' screening at Flying Monkey in Plymouth, N.H moved to Wednesday, Nov. 6
    A scene from 'The Lost World' (1925).This week's upcoming screening of 'The Lost World' (1925) at the Flying Monkey Moviehouse in Plymouth, N.H. has been moved to Wednesday, Nov. 6 due to UCITA.That's the acronym …
    By Jeff Rapsis, 795 words