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  1. Recurring Bafflement
    Everything is always a work in progress. By Wesley Osam. 🇺🇸 More info

    Random Thoughts on Random Books
    I have short, not especially well thought out notes on some of the books I read over the past year sitting on my computer. I may have had an idea of working them up into …
    By Wesley, 1,628 words
  2. Max Glenister — Blog
    Max Glenister is a front-end developer from Oxford. He writes mostly about front-end development and technology. 🇬🇧 More info

    The end of Dingoonity
    If you were familiar with Dingoonity, you might have noticed by now that I’ve made the decision to shut down the website.
    By Max Glenister, 26 words
  3. Coyote Tracks
    Watts Martin's collection of thoughts and shiny objects, mostly (but not always) related to... 🇺🇸 More info

    Blogging change!
    My Coyote Tracks blog has fully migrated off to its own host, and I’m mostly just using Mastodon for microblogging/social media now.So, going forward:Little “microblog” posts will not be sent to Tumblr; you’ll have …
    90 words
  4. Cloudberry Cake Proselytism
    C86 • indie pop • neo-aco • with love and no full album download. By Roque. 🇺🇸 More info

    :: Chime School
    Thanks so much to Andy Pastalaniec for the interview! Chime School, unlike many bands featured on the blog, is active! This August 23 the band is releasing their 2nd album, “The Boy Who Ran the …
    By Roque, 7,345 words
  5. Synthpop Fanatic
    Devoted to dark dance music: synthpop, futurepop, darkwave, electro. Songs you hear on a dark, smoky dancefloor. By Chris Brandon. 🇺🇸 More info

    Cold Cave announces new album, Passion Depression
    Passion Depression arrives on October 15, 2024. The post Cold Cave announces new album, Passion Depression appeared first on Synthpop Fanatic.
    By Chris Brandon, 28 words
  6. Sew Historically
    Historical Costuming, Old-Fashioned Living, Refashion & DIY, Homemade Natural Beauty Products, Historical Hairstyles, Free Sewing Tutorials, Lace Making, Historical Cooking. More info

    How To Make A Handwoven Corset Top
    I had yarn left over from another project. And I was wondering what to make with the yarn: So I made another handwoven corset top! I’ve already made two handwoven corset tops and a handwoven …
    By Lina, 536 words
  7. Good Stuff NW
    By Kathleen Bauer. 🇺🇸 More info

    Summer Thirst Quencher: Homemade Drinking Vinegars!
    My neighbors Bill and Jen have been a driving force behind many of my culinary explorations, with their extensive garden and Bill's consuming interest in fermentation. Jen, too, comes from a long line of picklers …
    490 words
  8. The Bristol Board
    A virtual gallery celebrating the greatness of la the comics medium, past and present. More info

    timhimself: thecollectibles: Mechanic by Axel...
    timhimself: thecollectibles: Mechanic by Axel Sauerwald Brilliant black and white penmanship!
    16 words
  9. Talkapedia
    Rants About New (and old) Things. By Tara Kennedy. 🇺🇸 More info

    Three Interesting Things
    1. The summer olympics are on, and you may have heard it's very hot on the northern hemisphere. This article looks at how athletes are strategizing heat. 2. People are taking their cats out on …
    By RandomRanter, 60 words
  10. Michael's Blog
    The personal website and blog of Michael Hebblethwaite, a web developer based in Nagoya, Japan. 🇯🇵 More info

    Make your code easy to run
    Today, I want to write about steps you can take to make your take home test easy to run, and win brownie points with reviewers. I spent a lot of time in the last half …
    91 words
  11. The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century
    Joey deVilla's Personal Blog. 🇺🇸 More info

    Some things can only be learned through experience
    The post Some things can only be learned through experience appeared first on The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.
    By Joey deVilla, 30 words
  12. k-hole
    The game development and design blog of Kyle Kukshtel. 🇺🇸 More info

    Committing C# Crimes to Provide Better ECS APIs
    I’ve been unsatisfied with how entity creation works in Dinghy (now renamed “Zinc”) for a while. I said as much a few months ago on the forums and I’ve been mulling it over ever since. …
    By Committing C# Crimes to Provide Better ECS APIs, 2,726 words
  13. Building Slack
    Stories of building Slack — the company, the product, the business, and the culture — told by two employees who were around for the entire journey. By Ali Rayl, Johnny Rodgers. 🇺🇸 More info

    Year 1
    We launched Slack to the world on February 12th, 2014. Thirteen months after starting work, nine months after releasing our early alpha version, and six months after starting our preview release. We crossed the finish …
    By Johnny Rodgers, 1,842 words
    A Blake's 7 blog. By Tim Dickinson. 🇬🇧 More info

    Illuminating Blake’s 7 – The lamps of a sci-fi classic.
    For those who have dipped into the blog posts within this website, you will have noticed that I am full of admiration for the visual aesthetic of Blake’s 7 – both in terms of the …
    By Tim Dickinson, 1,440 words
  15. The PROG Mind
    Delve Deeper. By Jason Spencer. 🇺🇸 More info

    Nine Stones Close – Diurnal
    Nine Stones Close returns with a psychedelic and melodic experience.
    By The Prog Mind, 15 words