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  1. Sibilant Fricative
    Reviews of books and films, mostly science fictional, by Adam Roberts. That's all. More info

    2001: A Childhood's End
    This 1969 Ballantine edition of Clarke's celebrated 1953 novel is a curio. The cover art (the artist is uncredited, but may have been Dean Ellis) has taken the actual subject of the book—the coming of …
    By Adam Roberts, 599 words
  2. Action Figure Barbecue
    Action figure reviews, toy reviews, stuff about Halloween, and Batgirl fandom all mixed together. By Barbecue17. 🇺🇸 More info

    Action Figure Review: Sportsmaster (DC Classic) from DC Multiverse by McFarlane Toys
    Over the past two or three months I have purchased so many new DC Multiverse figures! The Toddfather has put out quite a few figures that have interested me (meaning Batman related heroes and villains, …
    By Barbecue17, 1,205 words
  3. Perfume Posse
    Perfume Reviews. More info

    Jet Setting: Le Labo Dubai, Shanghai and Miami exclusives
    Perfume PosseJet Setting: Le Labo Dubai, Shanghai and Miami exclusives Well, it’s that time of year again. For a limited time you can get, if you’re a mind to, the city exclusives at your ... …
    By Tom, 54 words
  4. Every Day Is Like Wednesday
    Trudging slowly over wet sand. By J. Caleb Mozzocco. 🇺🇸 More info

    (Two) Month(s) of Wednesdays: July and August 2024
    BOUGHT:Dracula Book 1: The Impaler (Orlok Press) I'll be the first to admit that I don't understand Kickstarter, and how it works in today's comic book publishing field. I mean, the concept of creators crowd-funding …
    By Caleb, 9,163 words
  5. Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque
    More info

    The Myrastopol Gala
    Last Friday's Savage Krevborna adventure tied up a major arc in the campaign: the characters had been looking for the missing Viktoria Frankenstein and Serafina, and they finally caught up with them.CharactersAria, a paladin struggling …
    By Jack Guignol, 1,490 words
  6. ResoluteReader
    One man's odyssey through the world of books. More info

    Margaret Renn - Paul Foot: A Life in Politics
    I came to radical politics too late to see Paul Foot's contribution to the fight for socialism and against injustice in person. By the time I joined the SWP in the early 1990s, Paul Foot …
    By Resolute Reader, 75 words
  7. Lumbland
    Extracts from an average angler's diary... and other stuff. By Dave Lumb. 🇬🇧 More info

    More tackle talk
    For a few years now I've been using leger stems for my eel fishing. I know full well that when the line is tightened they don't stand upright, but once the line is out of …
    By Dave Lumb, 986 words
    A nostalgic journey to the past to relive the golden days of entertainment! By David Lobosco. 🇺🇸 More info

    Anyone remember Carl Grayson? Born in Canton, Ohio to Swiss and German Immigrants, his name at birth was Carl Frederick Graub. At the age of 5, he suffered a serious injury when he fell on …
    804 words
  9. It's About TV
    A look at the relationship between classic television and American culture, concentrating on the 1950s through 1970s. By Mitchell Hadley. 🇺🇸 More info

    TV Jibe: A candidate for today
    By Mitchell Hadley, 7 words
  10. Peter Cameron's Blog
    always busy counting, doubting every figured guess . . . 🇬🇧 More info

    Between transitive and primitive, 2: results
    Partitions and the partition lattice The partitions of a set Ω are partially ordered by refinement: Π1 is below Π2 if every part of Π1 is contained in a part of Π2. With this order, …
    By Peter Cameron, 1,364 words
  11. James' Coffee Blog
    I am a technical writer. I live in Scotland. This is my blog. 🇬🇧 More info

  12. Walknotes
    These are my notes from each week. I live in South London (UK) and work closer in to central London. By DW. 🇬🇧 More info

    19 – 13 September 2024
    Tuesday She shouts “Ooooiiii!” But it’s not the sound that makes his head turn, it’s her hand on his arm as she drags him back to stop him getting hit by a cyclist. With headphones …
    By DW, 711 words
  13. Grand Text Auto
    A group blog about computer narrative, games, poetry, and art. 🇺🇸 More info

    Gram’s Fairy Tales: Manual & Grimoire
    Taper, an online literary magazine published twice yearly, is now in its 12th issue. An independent editorial collective (Kyle Booten, Angela Chang, Kavi Duvvoori, Leonardo Flores, Helen Shewolfe Tseng, and Andy Wallace, for this issue) …
    By Nick Montfort, 1,560 words
  14. ComicsDC
    For information and events relating to comic books, comic strips, political cartoons, animation and caricature in Washington, DC and its environs. By Mike Rhode. 🇺🇸 More info

    That darn Edith Pritchett, comics journalism, and Pearls Before Swine in the WaPo
    Sorry, we've already outsourced all editing to the Google Pixel camera. (Edith Pritchett/The Washington Post)I have a dreamI have a solution for The Post's woes: Enlist retired baby boomers as volunteer editors for a day! …
    By Mike Rhode, 347 words
  15. Luca Marx
    automata theory, finite state machines, quantum mechanics, category theory, software development. 🇮🇹 More info

    An Introduction to Automata
    Why are automata so interesting? Automata are so simple that they fit in many places and situations.
    21 words