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  Personal blogs

358 blogs in Personal blogs. Page 16 of 18.

    electronic brain surgery since 2001. By Andreas Gohr. 🇩🇪 More info

    Shed Build - Part 1: Foundations
    Shed Build - Part 1: Foundations When we bought the house, it came with a tiny metal shed in the back of the garden. Better than nothing, but not great for storing all the garden …
    By andi, 693 words
  2. Start here
    I help people tell stories, and sometimes I tell them myself. By Bobbie Johnson. 🇺🇸 More info

    What I did on my summer holidays
    We just spent three weeks in the UK and Italy, and it was glorious. Family, mostly, plus a few friends, a little culture, a lot of food, and plenty of pizza and pubs. On the …
    By Bobbie Johnson, 541 words
  3. Steamboats Are Ruining Everything
    A writer in Brooklyn. By Caleb Crain. 🇺🇸 More info

    Through a veil: On “St. Paul’s,” by William Wordsworth
    “Bomb Damage in London, January 1942,” Imperial War Museums (D 6412) Every poem has a purpose, William Wordsworth says in the preface to Lyrical Ballads, the poetry collection he collaborated on with Samuel Taylor Coleridge. …
    By Caleb Crain, 3,078 words
  4. A Stick a Dog and a Box With Something In It
    Words and Music from @billt. By Bill Thompson. 🇬🇧 More info

    You Can Call me AI
    Paul Simon got there first.. I’m giving up ‘intelligence’ for 2024. That is, I’m not going to use the term ‘intelligence’ except to critique it as an inherently flawed construction firmly grounded in race science …
    By billt, 387 words
  5. STML
    Nothing short of everything will really do. Tumblr of James Bridle. 🇬🇷 More info

    A female paper nautilus octopus riding a jellyfish-like medusa hydroid creates a fascinating sight,…
    bouncinghedgehog:A female paper nautilus octopus riding a jellyfish-like medusa hydroid creates a fascinating sight, where two species appear to merge into a symbiotic relationship.As we know, this octopus utilizes the jelly for transportation, protection, and …
    61 words
  6. Subpixel Space – all writing
    By Toby Shorin. 🇺🇸 More info

    Moral Ecosystems: My Big Idea
    It’s said that thinkers are either foxes and hedgehogs. The fox knows many things, and the hedgehog knows one big thing. Ever since I heard about this I’ve known that I am a hedgehog. My …
    3,307 words
  7. A Sunday of Liberty
    But we want to be the poets of our life—first of all in the smallest, most everyday matters. By Damian. More info

    Frosty Prometheus
    Today should be the last day of what has been nearly a month of uninterrupted 90+ degree temperatures. It just goes to show that even the forces of Hell have no power on this sacred …
    By Outis Niemand, 141 words
  8. Suspended Reason
    Essays in erisology, ecology, surrogation, limerence, generalized reading, and cognitive aesthetics. More info

    An Ecosystem of Effects
    Let us posit a simplification, which will hopefully seem less arbitrary and less reductive as we further describe it. The simplification is this: that the two poles of concern, when it comes to what we …
    By suspendedreason, 1,001 words
  9. Sven Krasser's Blog
    Musings on technology, security & sundries. 🇺🇸 More info

    Viewing the Eclipse
    Last Sunday I flew out eastwards to meet Shannon in Nashville to view the eclipse. I just managed to get a brief glimpse of the city, visiting Broadway the night...
    33 words
  10. Symbolic Forest
    Everyday witchcraft and occasional wizardry. By Caitlin. 🇬🇧 More info

    Crossing things off
    There are still numerous craft projects somewhere in mid-flight at Symbolic Towers, and I keep slowly gathering plans for more that I haven’t even started yet. I have enough crochet patterns to keep me crocheting …
    94 words
  11. Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho—Journal
    Short-to-medium length entries—relatively off the cuff. 🇺🇸 More info

    [journal] Podcasts Are Audio Blogs
    Indie media (potentially) at its very best.I recently said to a friend:1 Podcasts are audio blogs! With all the good and ill that entails, but in our media culture, mostly good. A small elaboration on …
    By Chris Krycho, 354 words
  12. Synesthesia
    Proactive application of technology to business. By Julian Elve. 🇬🇧 More info

    Goodbye Z80
    Zilog have announced the impending end of supply for Z80 8-bit microprocessor chips, 48 years after they were first introduced. As a teenager in the late 70’s who started an electronic engineering degree in 1979, …
    164 words
  13. Talkapedia
    Rants About New (and old) Things. By Tara Kennedy. 🇺🇸 More info

    Three Interesting Things
    1. The summer olympics are on, and you may have heard it's very hot on the northern hemisphere. This article looks at how athletes are strategizing heat. 2. People are taking their cats out on …
    By RandomRanter, 60 words
  14. Technovia
    Ian Betteridge writes about technology, media and whatever else he wants to. 🇬🇧 More info

    Taboola targeting
    Eric Seufert, on Threads: Regarding Taboola’s partnership with Apple: I’ve seen people claim that this is somehow hypocritical from a privacy perspective, assuming that Taboola’s somewhat obnoxious, clickbait-style ads must invasively target user profiles and …
    By Ian Betteridge, 259 words
  15. thejaymo
    Scrapbook // // @thejaymo. By Jay Springett. 🇬🇧 More info

    Basically, everything in this community comes down to a few basic principles that really resonate…
    My personal home on the internet | dominikhofer dot meBasically, everything in this community comes down to a few basic principles that really resonate with me:Own your own domainOwn your contentPOSSE (“Publish (on your) Own …
    55 words
  16. thejaymo - Blog
    The blog of Jay Springett. 🇬🇧 More info

    🟦 The Only Acceptable Price Point
    Open As It Gets Intelligence Inside The Only Acceptable Price Point is Free I started writing this grab bag of quotes and thoughts about local AI models a couple of weeks ago, but was inspired …
    By Jay Springett, 2,314 words
  17. thoughts dot hnr dot fyi
    By Honor Ash. 🇬🇧 More info

    learning to escape
    this year, i’ve been working extra hard at my poetry. i’ve been taking absolutely every opportunity i could grab to write, perform, and submit my work for publishing, and hey, i have something to show …
    620 words
  18. Tim Apple
    Stories, poems, essays, and ramblings. 🇺🇸 More info

    Updated ⚠️️

    Still trying to fetch this feed, but last time we got ‘Can't connect to domain’.

    2024-03-16 16:13
    So in the army I had a nickname “Chow Wi Wang” and I just found out there is the .wang top level domain, so I had to buy Now what to do with it.
    35 words
  19. Tim Holt-Wilson | Writing
    🇬🇧 More info

    Conserving Norfolk’s Earth Heritage
    Text of a Presidential Address (2023) delivered to the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society at Norwich, 26-3-2024 Thank you – firstly – for doing me the honour of asking me to be your President for …
    By Tim Holt-Wilson, 4,161 words
  20. Tom 7 Radar
    Tom 7's news and weblog page. By Tom Murphy. 🇺🇸 More info

    June 2024
    As predicted, I posted my new video called Badness 0. If you are waiting for me to post the video here, you are a poor detective! I think it's best without spoilers, which is why …
    459 words