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  Personal blogs

358 blogs in Personal blogs. Page 8 of 18.

  1. James Darling
    The personal website and blog of James Darling. 🇬🇧 More info

    Note #8: A weeknote
    Last week was a hot and busy week. Some lovely catchups with Clare, Pip, Nick and Frank at Andu Ethiopian, Baguette King/Southwark Park and North Star. Day trip to Brighton Ruby, which was as lovely …
    By James Darling, 409 words
  2. Jamie Lord
    Solution Architect at CDS, based in Nottingham, UK, using Azure and C# to build awesome projects. 🇬🇧 More info

    The Unseen Crisis in Open Source: When Critical Infrastructure Relies on Unpaid Labour
    The recent supply chain attack involving, which affected over 100,000 websites including high-profile entities like JSTOR and the World Economic Forum, has brought to light a critical issue lurking in the shadows of our …
    By Jamie Lord, 656 words
  3. Jan-Lukas Else
    🇩🇪 More info

    GoBlog can show GPX tracks as SVG now
    After my bike tour on Monday, I first felt the usual exhaustion, but later that evening and night, more symptoms joined and showed me, that I, again (third time already this year), caught some infection. …
    306 words
  4. Javier's computer
    By Javier Arce. 🇪🇸 More info

    Lo habéis leído aquí primero: 2024 es el año en el que organizo mi colección fotográfica (611 GB y contando) y también en el que diseño una estrategia para editarlas, clasificarlas, compartirlas, y archivarlas adecuadamente. …
    61 words
    I’m Jessica Smith, and this is my personal website. I’m a left-wing feminist who loves animals, books, gaming, and cooking; I’m also very interested in linguistics, history, technology and society. 🇦🇺 More info

    2024-07-13 12:46
    She likes blankets… she likes boxes… what could be better than a blankie-lined box?! 😸 She doesn’t even mind that the box is somehow partially squashed from when Patches was visiting.
    31 words
  6. Jean Snow [.net] – Blogging since 1998
    🇨🇳 More info

    PauseTalk Next Week
    One of the interesting things that has happened since my return to Asia is the return of PauseTalk. As I wrote in detail in this post, when I left Tokyo back in 2015 I also …
    By Jean Snow, 537 words
    A collection of digital wonders and some other stuff. By Jeff Milner. 🇨🇦 More info

    Apple Maps on the Web
    From Apple Newsroom: Today, Apple Maps on the web is available in public beta, allowing users around the world to access Maps directly from their browser. Now, users can get driving and walking directions; find …
    By Jeff Milner, 172 words
  8. Jem – UK blogger - Developer - Entrepeneur
    Web developer & work at home mama Jem’s personal UK lifestyle blog on family, fitness & work. By Jem Turner. 🇬🇧 More info

    WordCamp, Italy, and inspiration
    I travelled to Turin, Italy for WordCamp Europe 2024 with Gaz last month. This was the first time we’d spent any meaningful amount of time together since our separation – not counting hourly taekwon-do lessons …
    By Jem, 73 words
  9. Jennifer Mills News
    🇺🇸 More info

  10. Jeremiah Lee
    I work in tech, fight for digital rights and the environment, kiss dudes, cycle, lift heavy things, and don’t eat animals. 🇸🇪 More info

    The European Union must keep funding free software
    The current draft of the European Commission’s 2025 budget does not include continued funding for the Next Generation Internet program.
    28 words
  11. Jeremy Baker
    🇳🇿 More info

    2024-07-26 22:38
    Eating Lima July 2024 crew: Bill, Linda, Rodrigo, Janice, Catherine, Jonny, Sue and Scott
    14 words
  12. Jessie's blog
    Various musings and things written. By Jessie Nabein. 🇨🇦 More info

    Canada Post - Oversized Lettermail Postage Calculations - 2024
    Inspired by an older list I saw online, I did some math to determine how to get exact values for oversized Lettermail postage. It’s not a clean effort unfortunately, you’ll be using small denominations for …
    By Jessie Nabein, 235 words
  13. - Home
    I do photoshops. I do words. I do other stuff. 🇬🇧 More info

    The McDonald’s Fries Theorum
    As a family, we don’t get McDonald’s that often, mainly because I think it’s shit and there are better life choices to be made, but occasionally it will magically appear at our door, often when …
    By Everyone's Favourite Jim, 765 words
  14. JimmyBramlett Dot Com
    This Site Is a Mess And So Am I. By Jimmy Bramlett. 🇺🇸 More info

    I’m a Loser Baby, So Why Don’t You Kill Me?
    The more I think about my life, the more of a loser I realize I am. There might be a tinge of regret of not making different decisions, of ultimately taking the safe path in …
    By jimmy, 761 words
  15. JoeHx Blog
    Writing What I Want. By Joseph Hendrix. 🇺🇸 More info

    July 2024 Blog Statistics
    It’s officially summer. Here are the July 2024 statistics for this blog. I wrote three posts: Announcing My Newest Creations - Two Exciting Word Search Puzzle Books Transitioning My Solo 401k from Vanguard to Fidelity …
    By JoeHx, 178 words
  16. Joel Auterson
    I'm a software developer. 🇬🇧 More info

    Deal to Dover
    I have lived in England for over a decade but have yet to visit the famous cliffs. It’s Thursday, it’s sunny, I’ve nothing to do until my new job begins next week, so I get …
    1,258 words
  17. Joho the Blog
    David Weinberger's blog. Let's just see what happens - Tagline (c) 1999. 🇺🇸 More info

    Updated ⚠️️

    Still trying to fetch this feed, but last time we got ‘Bad Gateway’.

    Limiting AI’s imagination
    A Large Language Model (LLM) such as ChatGPT or Gemini has a setting called “temperature” that controls the randomness of its responses. The higher the temperature, the more random and diverse the response will be. …
    By davidw, 59 words
  18. Jonathan Crowe
    Map blogger. Science fiction and fantasy critic and writer. Snake whisperer. 🇨🇦 More info

    Pretzel, 25 Years On
    Over the past few years we’ve lost most of our snakes to old age. It’s slightly nuts that our oldest snake, Pretzel, is still with us. She was the first corn snake I got, 25 …
    By Jonathan Crowe, 270 words
  19. Just a Summary
    Piers Cawley practices punditry. 🇬🇧 More info

    A Guest's Guide to Zoom Song Swaps
    This is intended as a quick guide for anyone who comes on as a Friday night Song Swap guest, but anyone who’s thinking of using Zoom (or doing their own streams) to share music with …
    By Piers Cawley, 2,939 words
  20. justin's links
    🇺🇸 More info

    human petting zoo
    How to celebrate the 30th anniversary of a personal web site? I considered this morning as I fashioned a three-legged stool over my morning ritual oracular vapors. I thought it would be good to have …
    By Justin, 328 words