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  Personal blogs

358 blogs in Personal blogs. Page 6 of 18.

    Photography. Music. Life. By John Carey. 🇺🇸 More info

    My relationship with photography continues to evolve. Lately it’s become much more personal, useful for holding memories of family and travel close to the heart and less to discover poetry in light. Yet there are …
    By John Carey, 528 words
  2. First Known When Lost
    By Stephen Pentz. 🇺🇸 More info

    One Thing Leads to Another, Part Two: Two Poems on a Spring Day
    Each morning, I read a poem. A long-time habit. I began a recent spring day with this: Tilling the field;From the temple among the trees, The funeral bell tolls.Buson (1716-1784) (translated by R. H. Blyth), …
    By Stephen Pentz, 1,728 words
  3. Flamed Fury
    My personal homepage, full of stuff that means everything to me, and nothing to you. 🇳🇿 More info

    What’s up Internet? The music video for the Eminem’s second single Tobey from his upcoming album The Death Of Slim Shady featuring Big Sean and Babytron just dropped and I’m happy to share that I …
    207 words
  4. Flashing Palely in the Margins
    An epistolarian, anthropologist, urban explorer, and over-user of the discretionary comma. By Sameer Vasta. 🇨🇦 More info

    Media Diet: May and June
    A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months. Shrinking TV shows about father-daughter relationships will always have a cherished spot in my heart, …
    By 2024-06-29 - Media Diet June 2024.txt, 1,088 words
  5. Fleeblewidget
    By Ruth Trevor-Allen. 🇬🇧 More info

    The magic words
    There are, famously, no silver bullets in software engineering. Computer programming is hard and although some people are really brilliant at it, there are also a lot of people out there making their career in …
    By Ruth, 549 words
  6. flowerville

    'Didn't one have to be born twice - three, four, countless times, even, in order to do justice to one's desires? To the possibilities of this world?'Nino Haratischvili - The Eighth Life (For Brilka)§ XI. …
    By *, 62 words
  7. Flutterby.Net
    The personal and business site for Dan Lyke and Charlene Marie. Among other things, we do computer software and embedded hardware and firmware. By Dan Lyke, Charlene Marie. 🇺🇸 More info

    2013-04-08 Albuquerque
    Went and wandered through the Bosque along the Rio Grande: Category:Dan Lyke life Category:2013-04 Albuquerque Trip is a publication of Dan Lyke and unless otherwise noted, copyright by Dan LykeGratefully acknowledged: OpenStreetMap map tiles …
    81 words
  8. Flutterby™!
    Short attention spans in a world full of flowers. By Dan Lyke. 🇺🇸 More info

    Oh Jira showing the board as empty
    Oh Jira, showing the board as empty even when I navigate, but if I copy and paste the same URL.... there's my data! I've been trying to stick with using it with Safari, but the …
    72 words
  9. Fresh Mud
    A blog about living with FSH muscular dystrophy. By Timothy Griffin. 🇬🇧 More info

    Pain in the night
    Having regular pain can be depressing and demoralising, but waking up in the middle of the night in pain, as I did last night, can be even moreso.For some reason my left knee ached severely …
    121 words
  10. Gansey Nation
    "Here is the heart of Ganseydom on Earth" - Aragorn. By Gordon Reid. 🇬🇧 More info

    Wick (Thos McKay): Weeks 4-5 – 15 July
    I’m back in Scotland now, after a week in foreign climes – half in the south of France sandwiched with days in Edinburgh. The weather was . . . disappointingly much like home. Arrival day …
    By Margaret Reid, 523 words
  11. The Garden
    A blog from yours truly. By Xanthe Tynehorne. 🇬🇧 More info

    Mx Tynehorne’s link roundup, volume XXXIV
    The saola, a large mammal which was discovered in the Vietnamese forest in… wait for it… 1992! Really makes you wonder what else is hiding out there. Circuits “ Can studies of living animal colour …
    118 words
  12. Gemma Copeland — Writing
    Interdependent digital designer. Sometimes writer, researcher, gardener. 🇬🇧 More info

    Mapped launch
    We’re hosting an event in London in a few weeks to launch Mapped, a project we’ve been working on over the last six months with the support of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust. ​Mapped integrates …
    791 words
  13. Giles Turnbull's website
    🇬🇧 More info

    Applauding pixels
    Thoughts on the fabbatars at Abba Voyage; but no pictures of the show, because they're (rightly) quite strict on that. s
    23 words
  14. The Girl in the Chair
    A blog about the intersection of disability, pop culture, and media. By Gwen Johnson. 🇺🇸 More info

    Updated ⚠️️

    Still trying to fetch this feed, but last time we got ‘Not Found’.

    The Return of Percy Jackson and Fantasy High: Big Wins for Weird Nerds
    Hi there. Long time no see. I’m not really sure how to start this, so I guess we’ll just start. 2023 has been an interesting year full of… Life changes? Life adjustments? Life somethings. A …
    By Gwen Johnson, 870 words
  15. The Green Dragon - Permittre dragonis adsurgo
    Benjamin Reinhardt's Homepage. More info

    Thinking through semiconductors — old nodes and AI chips
    A project I’m working on forced me to wade into the discourse about semiconductors – especially the economics of older chip manufacturing processes and claims about the importance of bleeding edge processes for AI. I …
    59 words
  16. Grizzlebit
    Bytes that get stuck in your teeth. By Ray Grasso. 🇦🇺 More info

    Lessons Learned in 35 Years of Making Software ↬
    Jim Grey: Relationships matter if you want to advance. It took me until about ten years ago to start to understand how building relationships across any company I work for is critical if I want …
    By Ray Grasso, 110 words
    Personal web site of Hans Gerwitz. Since 1994. 🇳🇱 More info

    2024-06-28 18:30
    The strategy of empowering a nitwit despot just to get SCOTUS stacked in their favor really paid off for the antifederalist anarcho-capitalists today.
    23 words
  18. Happiness Machines | Entries
    Technical and not-so technical articles I write. By Ignacio Brasca. 🇦🇷 More info

    Your own desire to know
    I think the whole culture is shifting toward a sense of panic about working on new technologies or thinking along the lines of what progress is or what progress looks like or will look like …
    By Ignacio Brasca, 365 words
  19. Henrique Dias - Home
    Henrique is interested in web infrastructure, decentralized systems, and makingtools for developers and users. He likes coffee and tea alike. 🇳🇱 More info

    Achieved Dutch Language Level B2
    Vandaag heb ik de uitslag van mijn Staatsexamen Nederlands als tweede taal ontvangen en ik ben geslaagd! Ik heb officieel Nederlands niveau B2. Volgens de ERK (Europees Referentiekader) ben ik nu een “onafhankelijke taalgebruiker”. Ik …
    268 words
  20. Holdfast Projects ~ Rod McLaren
    🇬🇧 More info

    Rams: The time of thoughtless design for thoughtless consumption is over
    3 June 2024 These screengrabs are from Gary Hustwit’s documentary Rams and its trailer video. If the video is paywalled, there are a couple of clips online. I didn’t screenshot all the “Good design is …
    137 words