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  1. Jay Hulme — Blog, , more info

    It Is Good For Us To Be Here
    Preached at St Nicholas’, Leicester on Sunday 19th of February 2023READINGSExodus 24.12-end & Matthew 17.1-9SERMONAt face value, the Gospels are quite gritty affairs. Jesus in the dirt and the mud. Jesus in the dust. Jesus walking for miles. Jesus with no home to lay his head. Jesus in massed crowds, with the poor, the sick, the outcast.God has come to Earth to dwell with us - and the Gospels understandably …
    By Jay Hulme, 1,163 words
  2. The Wondersmith — Blog, , more info

    A New Chapter
    Dear Reader, I hope you have enjoyed the writings and recipes featured here, whether you’ve just stumbled across them or followed for years! It means so much to me to know that my posts have left some kind of positive impact on the world, since that’s why I write in the first place. I have been feeling for a while now that it’s time to begin a NEW chapter in …
    By The Wondersmith, 319 words
  3. News, reviews and opinion from the cheapest seat, , more info

    Re-Animator The Bloody Musical, The Drayton Arms
    There’s a trailer for an American version of Re-Animator The Musical that features a large cast, impressive songs and a heavy dose of blood and gore that makes it look like it’s a delight, at least if you’re fond of musical parodies of daft comedy horror films. As it goes they’re one of my favourite genres, so it was incredibly frustrating to find out that this was a different adaptation, …
    By Alex Finch, 817 words
  4. Kevin's Blog, , more info

    Corners of the World (Twitter)
  5. Fantastic Anachronism, , more info

    On the Pleb Filter
    Perhaps if we lived on a crest, things would be different. We could at least see.A pleb filter is a piece of art which, by virtue of its impenetrability, "filters out" people with bad taste. What makes the pleb filter such an entertaining addition to online Discourse is that it's a ready-made kafkatrap, a perfect concept for trolls and shitposters to weaponize: once an artwork has been declared a "pleb …
    2,169 words
  6. Procedural Generation, , more info

    The end of Twitter bots
    ALTView on TwitterTwitter is removing the free API access, which will have the inevitable consequence of driving most twitter bots into extinction. I’ve written a fair bit about art bots over the years, since they’re one of the more accessible generative art forms (and therefore one of the most creative and prolific).Here’s a talk by Kate Compton on the poetics of bots, which will have to stand in as an …
    By proceduralgeneration, 259 words
  7. Kafkaesque, , more info

    January 2023 Update
    Happy end of wretched 2022, everyone! I’ve become too superstitious at this point to claim that 2023 will be better. But I so sincerely hope that it is for you! For me, personally, it’s actually been awful – starting on … Continue reading → The post January 2023 Update appeared first on Kafkaesque.
    By Kafkaesque, 56 words
  8. Music of the Spheres, , more info

    Mendelssohn & Monet
    I was listening to a favorite symphony this morning, Mendelssohn’s Fourth, the Italian Symphony. The first movement is as sunny as I’ve ever known it to be in Italy, even in Tuscany. I started wondering about all the little details that make it sound that way, and I decided to have a look.Recently I have rediscovered a free music notation software called MuseScore. Version 4 was released late last year, …
    By FlyingSinger, 742 words
  9. things from the room in the back, , more info

    agrarianism and revolution reading group
    The Agrarianism and Revolution Reading Group met weekly for the duration of the Delfina Foundation’s 2022 Politics of Food Programme. Organised by myself and fellow resident Åsa Sonjasdotter, the impetus for the group came from a shared interest in discussing radical movements, ideas and materials concerning land and food. ARRG (as it is affectionately known) met 10 times over the course of the season, and will continue online on a …
    2,598 words
  10. The London Lark!, , more info

    Little Haiti, Miami, Florida
    I am spending Christmas and New Year in Miami, so as a change of venue, here are some pictures that I took on a walk around Little Haiti in Miami. I finish with a frozen iguana that fell from a tree in our garden, it has been there the last three days. Apparently this is normal when the temperature goes below 8C, and it will defrost and walk away when …
    79 words
  11. The Green Dragon - Permittre dragonis adsurgo, , more info

    Thinking through semiconductors — old nodes and AI chips
    A project I’m working on forced me to wade into the discourse about semiconductors – especially the economics of older chip manufacturing processes and claims about the importance of bleeding edge processes for AI. I wrote this piece mostly to clarify my own understanding but I thought it might be...
    59 words
  12. BBC History Research Blog - BBC Blogs, , more info

    Migrant Voices on the BBC
    ‘It has never been the BBC’s intention to set itself up as the arbiter of pronunciation, but inadvertently it tends to be regarded as such’. These were the words of Miss G.M. Miller, a long-serving member of the BBC Pronunciation Unit. Part of Miss Miller’s role was responding to complaints about the pronunciation and accent of those speaking on the BBC. To judge by this correspondence many viewers and listeners …
    By Stewart McCain - Senior Lecturer in History, 1,164 words
  13. The English Woodworker, , more info

    Which Saws Are Best For Ripping Thick Stuff? [Video]
    There’s a lot of choice when it comes to rip saws. And unfortunately options usually just make things more complicated.So hopefully the video above will help clear up some of the confusion around which saw to reach for or at least give you something to think about when you’ve got a lot of ripping to […] The post Which Saws Are Best For Ripping Thick Stuff? [Video] appeared first on …
    By Richard Maguire, 82 words
  14. Wait until next year, , more info

    13th December
    The snow is still here from yesterday. It is enough snow to close some schools, but not others. The kind of snow a seasoned winter-ist would scoff at – just a dusting! The kind of snow that gives a phone-in radio host the excuse to exclaim “Why can’t we cope with a bit of snow, the rest of the world can?” The kind of peculiar, contradictory exceptionalism where he sees …
    By Steve, 181 words
  15. Tom Insam · Blog, , more info

    Apple Photos
    Photos: “Here’s a favorites album! You can put the photos you like the most in it! There are other albums, and you can share the whole library with your family, but not your albums. Apart from the favorites album, you have to share that one.” Watch: “You can sync any album of photos you want to your watch! But just one.” Lock screen: “You can have a rotating collection of …
    By tominsam, 252 words