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  1. TV-VCR, , more info

    TV-VCR has reached its end of tape
    Hey. Thanks for reading this. And, more so, thanks for reading and commenting on everything else before this on TV-VCR. But, I’m sorry to say, this is all there will be to read. This is it. I hoped that by doing a unique thing, and keeping it going mostly on my own, with slight, curated staff, I could prolong the death of the dying entertainment blog industry. Indeed, I did. …
    By Mark, 180 words
  2. The Pallets Projects, , more info

    Blinker 1.6 Released
    Signalling allows for applications to be decoupled by allowing designated receivers to be informed when an action has taken place (the signal). Flask and Quart both utilise the excellent Blinker library to support signals and it is version 1.6 of this library that has been released. This is the second major release of Blinker since maintenance transferred to the Pallets-eco organisation, and represents a desire to maintain it for the …
    By P G Jones, 129 words
  3. The Valley Woodworker, , more info

    The jack of all trade sliding compound miter saw. Evolution
    As part of my current hydroculture experiments, I am using a lot of PVC piping. And while it can be cut with regular woodworking tooling, it can be a bit brittle and crack or even explodes while cutting small pieces. Using the right blade on any saw makes all the differences.In addition, I need to make a series of stop cuts along a 4 inches pipe. Yes, could be done …
    By Valley Woodworker, 895 words
  4. Ten minutes past deadline, , more info

    Notice of interruption to service
    When this blog reached its five-year anniversary in 2018, I wrote a summary of the conclusions it had reached so far, and I vaguely thought at the time that, should it run for another five years, that might be a good time for a pause. Now we’ve reached that point – Ten Minutes Past Deadline is 10 years old this week! – and it does seem to be the moment …
    By edlatham, 372 words
  5. SerHack, , more info

    Analysis of a Redline Based Malware
    In recent months, there have been increasing attempts to spread malware via some seemingly ‘harmless’ programs, luring the user through rewards such as sending money with cryptocurrency or NFT-themed gifts. The unsuspecting user by running an ‘innocent’ executable to access prizes becomes part of a botnet. In this post, I would like to analyse in some detail the ‘Redline-EDIRA’ malware campaign that has been going on since around the beginning …
    86 words
  6. bitsofcode, , more info

    When is :focus-visible visible?
    Focus outlines (and their styling) have frequently been a point of contention between aesthetics and usability. On the one hand, focus outlines are incredibly important for navigation, particularly by users navigating via keyboard or other non-pointer devices. On the other hand, for certain mouse or touchscreen users they can be unnecessary and detract from the design. Before the :focus-visible CSS pseudo-class was introduced, there was no middle ground to this …
    681 words
  7. Ian G McDowell's Blog, , more info

    Laying Out a Print Book With CSS
    In which I embark on a quixotic quest to make a physical book using web rendering technology.
    24 words
  8. kewlchops, , more info

    See if you can tell
    It's hard to believe that it's been 20 years since I left Australia. It feels like a lifetime ago, yet the memories of that time are still vivid in my mind. When I decided to leave, I was filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. I had spent my entire life in Australia, and while I loved my home country, I also felt a strong pull to explore the …
    By george, 81 words
  9. Unofficial Britain – Britain uncovered, , more info

    A Journey Through The Ancient Commons of the Bristol Ring Road
    LOCATION: Bristol, England WORDS & PICTURES: Andy Thatcher Eastern Bristol is speckled with commons. Go way, way back and this whole area was part of the Kingswood Forest, a royal Anglo Saxon hunting forest. This means that all the little verges, scrappy bits of wasteland and neat greens that I am about to find around the Bristol Ring Road are relics of hard-won ancient rights and custom. The day is …
    2,011 words
  10. Cartype, , more info

    Sebring-Vanguard was a U.S. company based in Sebring, Florida.
    10 words
  11. Retirement Investing Today, , more info

    Stabilising – musings on 2022
    I was not going to write this 4 years of FIRE post but I’ve had a number of requests for it which made me do a little thinking. In the end I thought it might add a little value as it’s no secret that my FIRE journey has been a roller coaster of ups and downs around the personable side of FIRE with the financial side in hindsight actually being …
    By RetirementInvestingToday, 83 words
  12. hello, yes. - Blog, , more info

    Craft vs Industry: Separating Concerns
    This post is probably too long, but I need someplace that I can refer to. As is often the case, I am writing this to sort my thoughts, primarily. But I am hoping to give voice to what I am observing in other people in our field but is rarely spoken about. I am not attempting to postulate a solution to a complex problem; instead, I am trying to provide …
    3,469 words
  13. Maurice Parker, , more info

    2023-03-10 01:04
    I updated a couple of my minor apps today so that they look correct on the latest macOS releases. The first, Feed Compass which is an app to help you find, preview, and subscribe to blogs. I also updated Feed Curator which is an OPML feed list editor. I also added multiple select for a Reddit user who was needing it. It felt good to help someone out and to …
    77 words
  14. Tatiana Mac » writing, professional and personal, , more info

    Enter strawman: Build a tangible form to anchor esoteric discussions
    You ask, "Should I be making a new directory for this feature I'm building?" You expect a return value of: "yes" or "no." You had a 50% chance of guessing the "correct" answer...right? Four hours, 49 messages, 13 participants (4 whom you've never met?) later, you have not a boolean but instead something rather undefined: "What makes a feature a feature?" "Isn't everything in React a component?" "Where do I …
    896 words
  15. HotWheels, , more info

    Orange you glad, Zagato Zele 1000
    Orange you glad, Zagato Zele 1000
    12 words