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  1. Old House Dreams, , more info

    The “Boarding House” End of Era
    $0 -
    By M.J.G., 8 words
  2. Rascal News, , more info

    Rascal doubles in power with two new voices
    I am so pleased to announce that Rascal has added a pair of new writers to its stable of up-punching, roguish news hounds and bloggers. Both of them bring sharp tabletop acumen and a wonderfully developed voice that Rowan and I are so excited to see cultivated further under our pink-and-black banner.As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, Rascal is not a ship that can be sailed by two people. More …
    By Chase Carter, 144 words
  3. Tower of the Archmage, , more info

    Rappan Athuk: Sticky in the garden
    Session 257 was played on 6/9/24Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)Borumar, ½ Orc Thief (Josh)Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)Morgana, wizard (Rob)Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)The mimic has Blotto tight, and he can’t bring his fishing pole(arm) to bear Nick charges in, critting on the beast. Aroon hits it hard with his blade, while Jameth falls right onto the best, getting himself stuck. Dropping his (now …
    By David The Archmage, 341 words
  4. Lab Muffin Beauty Science, , more info

    Benzene in your products, Part 2: The story of Valisure
    Here’s Part 2 of our deep dive into benzene contamination in your products. In Part 1, we talked about whether the experiments were “realistic” (no), and whether the cancer risk was described accurately (also no). This time, we’ll be discussing the wider issues around the private lab behind these findings, Valisure. This is adapted from the video version (which works ... Read more Source
    By Michelle Wong, 74 words
  5. best part of the day, , more info

    more running
    Most of these photos were taken on a training run with coach Mary on the 24th Sept. But they are a part of the bigger picture which is to do a bit more serious running. Even going out without a camera! (Someone must have had a camera here though!?) And focussing on the training. I don't always enjoy the training aspect but I'm always glad I did it. You can …
    By pb, 906 words
  6. In the Pipeline by Derek Lowe | Science | AAAS, , more info

    Fraud, So Much Fraud
    Charles Piller and the team here at Science dropped a big story yesterday morning, and if you haven't read it yet, you should. It's about Eliezer Masliah, who since 2016 has been the head of the Division of Neuroscience in the National Institute on Aging (NIA), and whose scientific publication record over at least the past 25 years shows multiple, widespread, blatant instances of fraud. There it is in about …
    880 words
  7. THE BEACHBURG SUB, , more info

    The way it should be
    Without getting into too many details, the last year has been tough for me. As a mental health public speaker, I have resolved to be honest about my mental health challenges, in an effort to encourage people to not be ashamed of their illness. As I began writing this, the sale of my former house was about to close and my family had already settled safely into our new home. …
    By Michael, 938 words
  8. Eduwonk, , more info

    New WonkyFolk, Bellwether On AI, School Board Timing And Sleeper State Referendums. Plus Friday Fish!
    Greetings! Will it ever stop raining? I hope so, because I’m riding in the PMC Unpaved this weekend in the Berkshires. If you see a rider with pink handlebar tape on a black gravel bike, that’s me—riding for a good friend. It’s not too late to join this year’s campaign, and I’d be grateful, as would the many who will benefit from your generosity. ICYMI – new Bellwether work on …
    By arotherham, 774 words
  9. The Apiarist - Blog, , more info

    Pollen and winter bees
    Across the country, beekeepers are experiencing the first unpleasant withdrawal symptoms of going 'cold turkey' ... the start of the not beekeeping season. After the hustle and bustle of the late summer honey harvest, followed by feeding and treating, there's suddenly nothing to do.Well, perhaps not nothing, but certainly very little compared to the height of the season which was just a few short weeks ago.Suddenly weekends appear a lot …
    By David (The Apiarist), 3,502 words
  10. Lost Art Press, , more info

    A How-to on Filing New Spokeshaves
    Last week I walked into work to a brand-new Veritas spokeshave sitting on my bench. Chris had ordered several for students and kindly ordered an extra for me. (I’m spoiled, I know.) Grateful, I took a picture of my new tool and posted it to my social media account, not thinking much of it. The following day I received a comment: “Would you mind posting a video of how you …
    By kalevogt, 179 words
  11. Taiwan Quest, , more info

    Watch out for grandpa!
    Last year, in Scooter Saga Part IV: How to buy a new scooter in Taiwan, I wrote:In Taiwan, you must hold a driver’s license before buying a vehicle. For this reason, many elderly people—who are unlicensed because they didn’t learn to read and write—drive scooters that are registered in their children’s names. “Watch out for grandpa” is a phrase I’ve heard many times, for good reason.Fortunately, I got my license …
    By Zhen-Kang, 280 words
  12. The Cheapskate's Guide to Computers and the Internet, , more info

    A Brief Review of Porteus Linux
    Porteus is a modular, light-weight, and fast Linux distribution that runs on new and old computers, but it has some bugs and a moderate learning curve.
    32 words
  13. The Mental Elf, , more info

    What is the role of mentalizing in psychological interventions?
    Mentalizing is the human ability to comprehend intentional mental states, such as goals, desires, feelings, and wishes, of both oneself and others. In this blog, Amelia Mullet summarises a systematic review exploring the role of mentalizing in adult psychotherapy. The post What is the role of mentalizing in psychological interventions? appeared first on National Elf Service.
    By Amelia Mullett, 65 words
  14. 4 gravitons, , more info

    The Mistakes Are the Intelligence
    There’s a lot of hype around large language models, the foundational technology behind services like ChatGPT. Representatives of OpenAI have stated that, in a few years, these models might have “PhD-level intelligence“. On the other hand, at the time, ChatGPT couldn’t count the number of letter “r”s in the word “strawberry”. The model and the setup around it has improved, and GPT-4o1 apparently now gets the correct 3 “r”s…but I’m …
    By 4gravitons, 1,041 words
  15. streams of expression, , more info

    Cassette Releases
    Pleased to announce a cassette release from GUE: edited improvisations from Laurel Uziell, Jacken Elswyth and myself for banjo, melodica, electronics and other instruments, recorded in London in 2022 and 2023, and expertly mastered by Angel Hair Studio. Many thanks to David of Blue Tapes.Now available on Bandcamp and for pre-order (released October 25th): link here. Also cassette-related: last year Ben Hall’s cassette label Ornette Coleman Fiend Club put out …
    By david_grundy, 125 words