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Blogs about Science

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  5. Natural world (18)
  6. Space (27)

24 blogs about Science. Page 2 of 2.

    Mad Science Blogging. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ More info

    Lithium in American Eggs
    1. Introduction In our previous analysis, we tested the lithium levels of ten American foods. All ten foods were found to contain levels of lithium above the limit of detection, but some foods contained a …
    By slimemoldtimemold, 2,820 words
  2. Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
    By Andrew Gelman. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ More info

    Niall Ferguson, J. D. Vance, George Washington, and Jesus
    The Republican vice-presidential nominee made some remarks a few years ago about non-parents (β€œWe are effectively run in this country . . . by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their …
    By Andrew, 1,816 words
  3. Thinking about Science with David Hukins
    Understanding science NOT learning "facts". πŸ‡«πŸ‡· More info

    24.6 Damped simple harmonic oscillator
    Before your read this, I suggest you read post 24.5. In post 24.5, we saw that the displacement, x, of a damped simple harmonic oscillator is given by equation 1. Here t represents time, dx/dt …
    By David Hukins, 845 words
  4. Watered Down Physics
    By Alan Reifman, Non-Physicist. More info

    Book Review: "The Pope of Physics"
    The Pope of Physics is a 2016 biography of Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), written by Gino Segre and Bettina Hoerlin. Segre's uncle Emilio was a student of Fermi's in Rome, whereas Hoerlin's father knew Fermi from …
    By alan, 867 words