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Blogs about Development

  1. Python (14)
  2. Web development (106)

121 blogs about Development. Page 2 of 7.

  1. Daniel Mangum · Posts
    Daniel Mangum's personal website. 🇺🇸 More info

    Static Allocation in External RAM on ESP32
    I frequently work with ESP32 microcontrollers (MCU), both at my day job and in my free time. These devices are very flexible, but like any microcontroller they are quite resource constrained in comparison to anything …
    87 words
  2. David Smith, Independent iOS Developer
    🇺🇸 More info

    Defensive and Skeptical
    In Steve Jobs’s 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech he famously concluded by quoting the back cover of the Whole Earth Catalogue’s final issue. It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay hungry. Stay foolish. …
    562 words
  3. Dhole Moments - Blog
    Writings about information security, cryptography, software, and humanity, from a member of the furry fandom with a dhole fursona. By Soatok. 🇺🇸 More info

    Featured Furries
    Can’t get enough of blog posts written by furries? This post aims to curate some of the other blogs written by furries that are worth sharing with my regular readers. Many (but not all) of …
    By Soatok, 1,037 words
  4. DJ Adams
    I've been hacking on SAP enterprise software for more than three decades, and am still enjoying it. 🇬🇧 More info

    Automatic validation in OData and REST calls with CAP
    There is automatic validation of data coming into CAP-based service endpoints. Up until recently, there was a difference on how this happened between "REST" and OData channels, but with the latest CAP major release the …
    1,933 words
  5. Drew DeVault's blog
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    So you want to compete with or replace open source
    We are living through an interesting moment in source-available software.1 The open source movement has always had, and continues to have, a solid grounding in grassroots programmers building tools for themselves and forming communities around …
    1,750 words
  6. Ectobit
    The Missing Bit. Software Engineering Blog. By Boban Acimovic. More info

    What's new in pgx v5: CollectRows, RowToStructByName, CollectOneRow, RowToStructByPos and ForEachRow
    Learn how to use CollectRows, RowToStructByName, CollectOneRow, RowToStructByPos and ForEachRow
    21 words
  7. edds
    By Edd Sowden. 🇬🇧 More info

    Deleting my tweets
    Over the past couple of years I’ve slowly stopped using twitter. Initially I was just tweeting less, while still reading lots of it. Then as they slowly broke Tweetbot by removing APIs I slowly just …
    435 words
  8. Erik Bernhardsson
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    Predicting solar eclipses with Python
    As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute eclipses in Python. It turns out, ignoring some minor coordinate system head-banging, I …
    52 words
  9. erock's blog
    Technical writings by Eric Bower. 🇺🇸 More info

    On plugin systems
    Any successful library will inevitably become a plugin system. Whenever a successful library tries to accommodate the preferences of all its user-base, a plugin system is born. On the surface, engineers love building plugin systems; …
    427 words
  10. Essays by Suhas Guruprasad
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    Great Engineering Managers
    This is my curated list of qualities that great engineering managers exhibit. I’ll try to keep this list updated as I learn more about great engineering managers. Direction, protection and order: A great leader shows …
    619 words
  11. Evert's Dugout
    I'm a programmer. I'm mostly focused on building API's, HTTP-related applications and improving development processes. By Evert Pot. 🇨🇦 More info

    Creating a fake download counter with Web Components
    Over the years I’ve written several open source libraries. They’re mostly unglamorous and utilitarian, but a bunch of them obtained got a decent download count, so I thought it would be fun to try and …
    By Evert Pot, 1,013 words
  12. Fabien Sanglard's Website
    This is my personal website, you can find here most of the code and ideas I came up with during my extra-professional time. 🇺🇸 More info

    amos loves to tinker. More info

    Begging EuroRust to acknowledge independent workers
    TL;DR I purchased individual tickets for EuroRust and added my VAT number, so it could be a tax-deductible expense for me as an independent worker. The organizers reached out asking me to buy business tickets …
    56 words
  14. – Weekly Posts
    Helping Geeks Produce for Over 40 Years. My mission is to help people learn how to embrace change and harvest its value. By GeePaw Hill. 🇺🇸 More info

    Optimize for Our Humans
    Leading Technical Change is a small, live, remote seminar aimed squarely at a single topic: Real Change in the Real World. A new cohort is open now: March 11,12,14, & 15, 10am to noon Eastern …
    By GeePaw, 60 words
  15. Hillel Wayne
    This blog is a mix of deep dives into formal methods for businesses and programming topics I find interesting. 🇺🇸 More info

    Toolbox languages
    A toolbox language is a programming language that’s good at solving problems without requiring third party packages. My default toolbox languages are Python and shell scripts, which you probably already know about. Here are some …
    1,625 words
  16. Hugo Landau
    “an online dustbin where you leave your collected written thoughts” — someone describing this website. More info

    [Hμblog] Hire me
    Hire meLooking for a new role. Expertise in cryptography, security, networking, reversing. Dev, ops, security. Amongst other things I've authored a QUIC implementation, a Let's Encrypt client and an RFC. I gave a talk about …
    By Hugo Landau, 50 words
  17. Ian Bicking: a blog
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    I’m pretty sure reading /r/AmItheAsshole is harmful to my psyche, and yet… … and yet why shouldn’t I be able to participate in this collectively harmful behavior? I don’t have good enough stories so I …
    By Ian Bicking, 3,131 words
  18. Ideas.Offby1
    a code maker and opinion haver with GitHub. By Chris Rose. 🇺🇸 More info

    Serve an S3 bucket over tailscale
    I found myself wanting to host a private website that I could reliably update, but only serve it to users on my tailnet. I didn't find anything obvious that could do the job, but I …
    By Chris Rose, 166 words
    By iliana etaoin. 🇺🇸 More info

    The most valuable part of Living Computers can’t be sold at auction
    Kurt Schlosser, GeekWire: Living Computers Museum + Labs, the Seattle institution created by the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen as a hands-on showcase for rare computing technology and interactive displays, will not reopen, more than …
    By iliana etaoin, 438 words
  20. inessential: weblog
    By Brent Simmons. 🇺🇸 More info

    It’s not a bug in your RSS reader if recent articles in this feed all suddenly appeared as unread. You may even have seeming duplicates. Sorry about that! It’s due to my changing settings in …
    99 words