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Blogs about Development

  1. Python (14)
  2. Web development (106)

121 blogs about Development. Page 2 of 7.

  1. Daniel Mangum · Posts
    Daniel Mangum's personal website. 🇺🇸 More info

    Founder Mode for Non-Founders
    Paul Graham’s Founder Mode essay, based on a recent talk from AirBnB founder Brian Chesky, has been getting quite a lot of attention over the past few days. It has prompted many a quote tweet, …
    97 words
  2. David Smith, Independent iOS Developer
    🇺🇸 More info

    Relay 10: Built to Endure
    This past weekend I was fortunate to be a participant in the “Relay FM 10th Anniversary Extravaganza”, a live show in London celebrating Relay’s decade of podcasting. Relay is the home of Under the Radar. …
    486 words
  3. Dhole Moments - Blog
    Writings about information security, cryptography, software, and humanity, from a member of the furry fandom with a dhole fursona. By Soatok. 🇺🇸 More info

    Introducing Alacrity to Federated Cryptography
    There are two mental models for designing a cryptosystem that offers end-to-end encryption to all of its users. The first is the Signal model. Predicated on Moxie’s notion that the ecosystem is moving, Signal (and …
    By Soatok, 1,804 words
  4. DJ Adams
    I've been hacking on SAP enterprise software for more than three decades, and am still enjoying it. 🇬🇧 More info

    Setting up a cache server for apt packages
    Some notes on setting up an apt-cacher-ng based cache server for Debian apt packages in my home operations ("homeops") context, including a section on using SSL/TLS origin servers. Background Living on and working primarily from …
    3,059 words
  5. Drew DeVault's blog
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    Rust for Linux revisited
    Ugh. Drew’s blogging about Rust again. – You I promise to be nice. Two years ago, seeing the Rust-for-Linux project starting to get the ball rolling, I wrote “Does Rust belong in the Linux kernel?”, …
    1,405 words
  6. Ectobit
    The Missing Bit. Software Engineering Blog. By Boban Acimovic. More info

    What's new in pgx v5: CollectRows, RowToStructByName, CollectOneRow, RowToStructByPos and ForEachRow
    Learn how to use CollectRows, RowToStructByName, CollectOneRow, RowToStructByPos and ForEachRow
    21 words
  7. edds
    By Edd Sowden. 🇬🇧 More info

    Deleting my tweets
    Over the past couple of years I’ve slowly stopped using twitter. Initially I was just tweeting less, while still reading lots of it. Then as they slowly broke Tweetbot by removing APIs I slowly just …
    435 words
  8. Erik Bernhardsson
    🇺🇸 More info

    Predicting solar eclipses with Python
    As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute eclipses in Python. It turns out, ignoring some minor coordinate system head-banging, I …
    52 words
  9. erock's blog
    Technical writings by Eric Bower. 🇺🇸 More info

    Why structured concurrency?
    With brevity, my operational view on structured concurrency is the management of a tree structure of tasks. It doesn't matter what color the function is, this task tree can be fully controlled by a parent, …
    615 words
  10. Essays by Suhas Guruprasad
    🇮🇳 More info

    Great Engineering Managers
    This is my curated list of qualities that great engineering managers exhibit. I’ll try to keep this list updated as I learn more about great engineering managers. Direction, protection and order: A great leader shows …
    619 words
  11. Evert's Dugout
    I'm a programmer. I'm mostly focused on building API's, HTTP-related applications and improving development processes. By Evert Pot. 🇨🇦 More info

    Creating a fake download counter with Web Components
    Over the years I’ve written several open source libraries. They’re mostly unglamorous and utilitarian, but a bunch of them obtained got a decent download count, so I thought it would be fun to try and …
    By Evert Pot, 1,013 words
  12. Fabien Sanglard's Website
    This is my personal website, you can find here most of the code and ideas I came up with during my extra-professional time. 🇺🇸 More info

    amos loves to tinker. More info

    State of the fasterthanlime 2024
    It's time for some personal and professional news!TL;DR: I started a podcast with James, I'm stable on antidepressants, I'm giving a P99 CONF about my Rust/io_uring/HTTP work, I'm trying on "they/them" as pronouns, I'm open-sourcing …
    56 words
  14. – Weekly Posts
    Helping Geeks Produce for Over 40 Years. My mission is to help people learn how to embrace change and harvest its value. By GeePaw Hill. 🇺🇸 More info

    Optimize for Our Humans
    Leading Technical Change is a small, live, remote seminar aimed squarely at a single topic: Real Change in the Real World. A new cohort is open now: March 11,12,14, & 15, 10am to noon Eastern …
    By GeePaw, 60 words
  15. Hillel Wayne
    This blog is a mix of deep dives into formal methods for businesses and programming topics I find interesting. 🇺🇸 More info

    Toolbox languages
    A toolbox language is a programming language that’s good at solving problems without requiring third party packages. My default toolbox languages are Python and shell scripts, which you probably already know about. Here are some …
    1,625 words
  16. Hugo Landau
    “an online dustbin where you leave your collected written thoughts” — someone describing this website. More info

    [Hμblog] Hire me
    Hire meLooking for a new role. Expertise in cryptography, security, networking, reversing. Dev, ops, security. Amongst other things I've authored a QUIC implementation, a Let's Encrypt client and an RFC. I gave a talk about …
    By Hugo Landau, 50 words
  17. Ian Bicking: a blog
    🇺🇸 More info

    I’m pretty sure reading /r/AmItheAsshole is harmful to my psyche, and yet… … and yet why shouldn’t I be able to participate in this collectively harmful behavior? I don’t have good enough stories so I …
    By Ian Bicking, 3,131 words
  18. Ideas.Offby1
    a code maker and opinion haver with GitHub. By Chris Rose. 🇺🇸 More info

    Serve an S3 bucket over tailscale
    I found myself wanting to host a private website that I could reliably update, but only serve it to users on my tailnet. I didn't find anything obvious that could do the job, but I …
    By Chris Rose, 166 words
    By iliana etaoin. 🇺🇸 More info

    The most valuable part of Living Computers can’t be sold at auction
    Kurt Schlosser, GeekWire: Living Computers Museum + Labs, the Seattle institution created by the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen as a hands-on showcase for rare computing technology and interactive displays, will not reopen, more than …
    By iliana etaoin, 438 words
  20. inessential: weblog
    By Brent Simmons. 🇺🇸 More info

    NetNewsWire and Conditional GET Issues
    I had thought that NetNewsWire’s conditional GET support was rock-solid — and so my first reaction was to be very surprised to learn that it’s not! My second reaction was to be appreciative — Rachel’s …
    945 words