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Blogs about Development

  1. Python (15)
  2. Web development (106)

120 blogs about Development. Page 5 of 6.

  1. RabbitFarm
    By Adam Russell. More info

    Contiguous and Semi-Ordered
    The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution. Part 1: Contiguous Array You are given an array of binary numbers, @binary. Write a script to return the …
    676 words
  2. Random Drop
    Random Drop includes all of my blog posts, so it's the easy way to see what I'm up to. More info

    modular bash profile scripting with shellswain
    When I set out to build a history module for my bashrc/profile, the dearth of code re-use and collaborative ~unixy modularity struck me as a little sad. I knew early on that I wanted to …
    68 words
    The combination of new articles, XProgramming, SameElephant, and perhaps even some new items never before contemplated. By Ron Jeffries. 🇺🇸 More info

    Forth: Getting Weird
    I read about how IF works according to Loeliger. Weird. How should we do it?
    18 words
  4. same stuff, different day
    A personal blog focused on technology and leadership with the occasional post on books, music, and more. By Michael Eaton. More info

    Interesting links of the week 2024-51
    Here are the best and most interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (December 3, 2024 - December 15, 2024). Enjoy! Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure …
    By Michael Eaton, 397 words
  5. s c o t t e r i c p e t e r s e n - Writing
    By Scott Petersen. 🇺🇸 More info

    A New Computer
    I probably set up and configure (or reconfigure) at least ~5 computers a year for professional audio. A few years back I started configuring some machines to use Arch while continuing to mainly setup and …
    By Scott Petersen, 83 words
  6. Seirdy - Articles
    All the long-form articles on Seirdy's Home. By Rohan Kumar. 🇺🇸 More info

    Post-OCSP certificate revocation in the Web PKI
    IntroductionToday, TLS certificates in the Web public key infrastructure (PKI) have long validity: almost all remain valid for at least three months! An attacker compromising a certificate early enough in its lifetimenote 1 keeps it …
    By Seirdy, 5,749 words
  7. SerHack
    Security engineer and writer. Author of Mastering Monero, enthusiastic about blockchain technology and privacy application. 🇮🇹 More info

    Analysis of a Redline Based Malware
    In recent months, there have been increasing attempts to spread malware via some seemingly ‘harmless’ programs, luring the user through rewards such as sending money with cryptocurrency or NFT-themed gifts. The unsuspecting user by running …
    86 words
    DevOps, automation, how-tos and more since 2008. By Sean Duffy. 🇬🇧 More info

    AWS Control Tower Enrollment Gotchas
    I have been working on moving a collection of about 20-30 AWS accounts from two different AWS Organizations into a new AWS Organization with Control Tower enabled. During the process I have run into a …
    By Sean, 786 words
  9. Side Projects | Kevin Nørby Andersen
    🇩🇰 More info

    Week 109: My AI Team
    Just like week 108, I started writing this post late-march, but got so busy that it wasn’t finished and published until May. On March 21, Morten Just posted a tweet that set my brain on …
    1,172 words
  10. Simon Willison: TIL
    Things I've learned, collected in simonw/til. 🇺🇸 More info

    Fixes for datetime UTC warnings in Python
    I was getting the following warning for one of my Python test suites: DeprecationWarning: datetime.datetime.utcnow() is deprecated and scheduled for removal in a future version. Use timezone-aware objects to represent datetimes in UTC: I …
    By Simon Willison, 232 words
  11. Slatians hideout on the Web |
    May contain useful information in the form of Blogposts and a small personal wiki. More info

    Why not use && as a shortcut in shell scripting
    What am I Talking About If you've been shell scripting for some time you have most probably seen the following construct: [ -n "$something" ] && foo This runs the foo command, but only if …
    By Slatian, 427 words
  12. Software Engineering, Web Development and 3D Design - Stratus3D
    The home of Stratus3D on the internet. A blog on programming, software architecture, web development, design and 3d graphics. By Trevor Brown. 🇺🇸 More info

    Review of the Kinesis Freestyle Edge Keyboard
    In August I bought a Kinesis Freestyle Edge keyboard off of eBay. I’ve been using it for about four months now, and I’m typing this review on it. I’d been wanting to try out a …
    1,277 words
  13. Stargirl (Thea) Flowers - Blog
    By Thea Flowers. 🇺🇸 More info

  14. Suffix - Blog
    Personal blog for posting my ramblings, mostly about programming. By Simon. 🇧🇪 More info

    LifeSpan Under Desk Treadmill
    LifeSpan Under Desk Treadmill TR12000-DT3 GlowUp Walking Pad As a software developer, I spend the majority of my time sitting at a desk. In the past, I worked in an office but still managed to …
    By Simon, 724 words
  15. Sven Krasser's Blog
    Musings on technology, security & sundries. 🇺🇸 More info

    A VIA for the Commodore 64: Revised PCB
    Now that all electronic issues are resolved, it’s time to update the PCB for my expansion board that adds a W65C22S Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA) to my Commodore 64....
    37 words
  16. Swift by Sundell
    Weekly Swift articles, podcasts and tips by John Sundell. 🇵🇱 More info

    SwiftUI views versus modifiers
    One of the most interesting aspects of SwiftUI, at least from an architectural perspective, is how it essentially treats views as data. After all, a SwiftUI view isn’t a direct representation of the pixels that …
    1,618 words
  17. Swiftjective-C
    iOS. Indies. Apple. Plus Things. By Jordan Morgan. 🇺🇸 More info

    The Big Feature
    In June of 2020, I wrote about my first major update to Spend Stack. It’s a fond indie memory! After meticulously preparing the update, press kit and everything else we all do, I woke up …
    By Jordan Morgan, 653 words
  18. Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho—Journal
    Short-to-medium length entries—relatively off the cuff. 🇺🇸 More info

    [journal] Read the Code: Using Drop Safely in Rust
    A deep dive into Rust’s vec::Drain and its Drop implementation as an example of how ownership prevents subtle bugs—memory and otherwise! Assumed audience: People who can read Rust and have a basic (and I do …
    By Chris Krycho, 4,523 words
  19. Tech Blog
    By Vicki Boykis. 🇺🇸 More info

    Write code with your Alphabet Radio on
    There is a lot of debate in the software community around whether LLMs can replace developers. Part of the reason is the way we formulate the problem of what it means to write software. In …
    1,147 words
  20. TheJavaGuy Blog
    Blog about software development. By Ivan Milosavljević. 🇩🇪 More info

    So what exactly is a whitespace in Java?
    In our programs we often have to deal with whitespaces, for example to sanitize input we received from users or other applications. With the release of Java 11, there have been some changes to the …
    96 words