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Blogs about Development

  1. Python (14)
  2. Web development (106)

121 blogs about Development. Page 3 of 7.

  1. Information Flaneur
    Hugh Rundle's internet web site. 🇦🇺 More info

    Aus GLAMR
    This week was VALA 2024 and I was lucky enough to attend and present a poster. The point of the post was essentially to act as a sneaky advertising billboard for Aus GLAMR, an aggregator …
    By Hugh Rundle, 799 words
  2. James' Coffee Blog
    I am a technical writer. I live in Scotland. This is my blog. 🇬🇧 More info

    Expectations in design
    I have been thinking about the question what makes a “good tool”? What are the characteristics that make me comfortable depending on a tool? What makes me delighted to use a tool?
    By - (James), 35 words
  3. James Stanley
    The writing is bad and the stories are not very interesting. 🇬🇧 More info

    I made an LLM-powered Colonel Blotto game
    Today I made a Colonel Blotto game where you play against GPT-4o, and after each round you can chat with GPT-4o to get commentary/analysis/coaching. Play with it at until I run out of OpenAI …
    492 words
  4. Jerry Ng's blog
    Welcome to my personal website. Here, I write about my silly pursuits and unlikely follies. 🇸🇬 More info

    How I Saved Scraped Data in an SQLite Database on GitHub
    Some time back, I stumbled upon this amazing idea of Git scraping made popular by Simon Willison. It involves using GitHub Actions to scrape data and save it directly into a Git repository. Essentially, for …
    By Jerry Ng, 1,334 words
  5. joisig gone awol | Posts
    By Jói Sigurdsson. 🇮🇸 More info

    GitHub and Sentry have perfect invoice filenames
    CrankWheel uses Maxio (née Chargify) for subscription management. It’s OK but I’ve never been super duper happy with it (mostly because I chose it for its flat fee structure, then later they switch to charging …
    By Jói Sigurdsson, 290 words
  6. José Cabeda
    A data engineer focused on improving data systems and educating on how to use them. 🇵🇹 More info

  7. Joy of Computing
    A new link every weekday from the Recurse Center community. 🇺🇸 More info

    Monty Hall Problem
    Monday, Apr 15 Monty Hall Problem (permalink) made by EvanC, submitted by RodEsp It's a great way to see that the Monty Hall Problem's unintuitive solution is actually correct. — RodEsp
    By EvanC, 33 words
  8. Julia Evans
    This blog is about being delighted about programming…. 🇨🇦 More info

    Entering text in the terminal is complicated
    The other day I asked what folks on Mastodon find confusing about working in the terminal, and one thing that stood out to me was “editing a command you already typed in”. This really resonated …
    1,928 words
  9. Justin Noel
    Full Stack Developer: Developing apps, sites, and software with a variety of tools: • React/Native • Ionic • Cloudflare • Supabase • HTML/CSS/JS. 🇺🇸 More info

    "Blendposting" Kitchen Scraps
    Do you get frustrated when you have to throw out fruits and vegetables that have gone bad?Have lots of kitchen scraps but can't be bothered to compost them due to possible smell, rodents, HOA rules, …
    By Justin Noel, 671 words
  10. Kev Quirk
    Part time geek, full time idiot. 🇬🇧 More info

    Thinking About Online Communities
    I've been thinking about online communities a lot lately, and had an idea about a new Masto instance, but maybe it wasn't such a good idea? I've been ruminating on what the perfect online community …
    502 words
  11. k-hole
    The game development and design blog of Kyle Kukshtel. 🇺🇸 More info

    Committing C# Crimes to Provide Better ECS APIs
    I’ve been unsatisfied with how entity creation works in Dinghy (now renamed “Zinc”) for a while. I said as much a few months ago on the forums and I’ve been mulling it over ever since. …
    By Committing C# Crimes to Provide Better ECS APIs, 2,726 words
  12. ktheory
    The personal blog of Aaron Suggs. 🇺🇸 More info

    Vision before goals
    I love this aphorism about visionary leadership paraphrasing Saint-Exupéry: “Building a boat isn’t about weaving canvas, forging nails, or reading the sky. It’s about giving a shared taste for the sea, by the light of …
    209 words
  13. (lambda (x) (create x))
    By Will Sinatra. 🇺🇸 More info

    Packaging Private Projects
    Packaging Private Projects Neat Gitea features means easy APKs · July 16th, 2024 This is one I've been sitting on for a minute. I've been doing some dev work on an old repo of mine, …
    1,004 words
  14. learnbyexample
    Learn Python, Regex, Linux, Scripting, Vim, Ebooks, Self-Publishing and Interesting Tech Nuggets. By Sundeep Agarwal. More info

    Linux Command Line Computing book announcement
    Hello! I am pleased to announce a new version of my Linux Command Line Computing ebook. This is the longest book I've published so far (204 pages) — it took me more than 7 months …
    547 words
  15. A Less Mad March
    Blogging, generally about Rust. By Adam Chalmers. 🇺🇸 More info

    My Kitty terminal config
    I've been using Kitty terminal for five years now, and I'm really happy with it. Recently I got curious about how to make it look prettier (inspired by all the beautiful terminals I see in …
    406 words
  16. Lewis Dale - Blog
    🇬🇧 More info

    Manchester - Blackpool 2024
    Just a few shots from this year’s Manchester - Blackpool (and back) ride. There was no finish line photographer last year, so this year was the first time I’ve had any photos of me on …
    By Lewis Dale, 181 words
  17. Lim Chee Aun – Blog
    The purpose of this site is to serve as a playground for my thoughts and experiments. 🇸🇬 More info

    2023 in review
    This is probably going to be short as this year is perhaps the most unproductive year I've ever had.As usual, I start this off with a compilation of monthly "highlights" that I've already listed in …
    998 words
    By Linus Åkesson. 🇸🇪 More info

    An AVR Programmer for the C64
    So there I was, tinkering away on a microcontroller project, when all of a sudden my AVR programmer stopped working.
    26 words
  19. Lj Miranda
    A collection of notes, projects, and essays. 🇵🇭 More info

    Guest lecture @ DLSU Manila: Artisanal Filipino NLP Resources in the time of Large Language Models
    I was invited to give a talk to a graduate-level NLP class about my work on Filipino resources. It was fun preparing and giving that talk because I was able to synthesize my thoughts and …
    By LJ MIRANDA, 2,234 words
  20. The lost outpost – technology, photography, society, and life
    technology, photography, society, and life. By Andy Piper. 🇬🇧 More info

    Ampersand Fedi
    You’ve almost certainly seen those t-shirts and posters with the “ampersand” style of lists of names – these originated back in 2001 via Experimental Jetset’s design of the names of the members of The Beatles. …
    By Andy Piper, 172 words