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Blogs about Computers, internet, tech

  1. Apple (19)
  2. Artificial intelligence (11)
  3. Cryptocurrencies (5)
  4. Development (236)
  5. Graphics (13)
  6. Hardware (18)
  7. Internet (10)
  8. VR, AR and virtual worlds (4)

84 blogs about Computers, internet, tech. Page 4 of 5.

  1. Oliver Andrich
    A software developer from Koblenz with a passion for code, coffee, punk rock and a good conversation. 🇩🇪 More info

    PyCharm, Tailwind & htmx
    After I shared my initial thoughts on PyCharm, I moved more and more of my projects — personal and work related — to PyCharm. So far, it works out pretty nice, and I am getting …
    By Oliver, 284 words
  2. Oliver Palmer
    I'm a Conversion Rate Optimisation consultant, helping my clients to increase their conversion rates, make better decisions informed by data and delight their customers. 🇦🇺 More info

    South Gippsland Farmers' Markets Calendar
    The weekend markets live-ish and direct in my hand A few years ago, I ended up spending 9 months living in South Gippsland, about two hours from Melbourne. We were doing a renovation on our …
    457 words
  3. Olly Headey — Writing
    I typically write about leadership, management and productivity. Running-a-business kinda stuff. Occasionally I’ll write about music, or life in general. 🇬🇧 More info

    Communication lines are down
    There’s a storm brewing in your company. Businesses of every shape and size, at every level of success, are susceptible to standard-issue communication problems and if you don’t fix them, you’ll lose power. Companies are …
    1,721 words
  4. Olu Online | Blog
    🇬🇧 More info

    Weeknotes #27
    i am going to turn off my beeminder reminders, i think. it's a little aggressive and whilst it is getting me to write these posts i don't think it's of good quality always, or even …
    By hidden (oluonline), 443 words
  5. Open Source Musings
    Sharing a passion for Linux and open source, with a decidedly non-techie slant. By Scott Nesbitt. 🇳🇿 More info

    3 Text Editors for the Linux Command Line
    3 Text Editors for the Linux Command Line 17 September, 2024 I don’t know exactly, or even roughly, how many editors there are for the Linux command line. But I have tried more than a …
    585 words
  6. The Overspill: when there's more that I want to say
    Charles Arthur's site for links, observations and writing. 🇬🇧 More info

    Start Up No.2357: how Netflix took over our screens, the mystery of our slow brains, Threads hits 100 million daily users, and more
    A large amount of podcasting is recorded on Apple computers – so why does the company make it so hard to capture audio? CC-licensed photo by Jakob Härter on Flickr. You can sign up to …
    By charlesarthur, 2,826 words
  7. P.C. Maffey
    I write about ideas. More info

    Counting Ghosts
    A case for abandoning web analytics
    By P.C. Maffey, 8 words
  8. Pixel Envy
    A sassy weblog written by Nick Heer with topics including technology and policy, Apple, Silicon Valley, and privacy. 🇨🇦 More info

    Never Forgive Them
    Ed Zitron: The tools we use in our daily lives outside of our devices have mostly stayed the same. While buttons on our cars might have moved around — and I’m not even getting into …
    By Nick Heer, 480 words
    A writer alternating between a bépo keyboard, to feed this blog, and old mechanical typewriters on which I imagine our futures. 🇧🇪 More info

    L’urgence de soutenir l’énergie du libre
    L’urgence de soutenir l’énergie du libre Éditorial rédigé pour le Lama déchaîné n°9, l’hebdomadaire réalisé par l’April afin d’alerter sur la précarité financière de l’association. J’étais limité à 300 mots. Pour un bavard comme moi, …
    By Ploum, 544 words
  10. Pluralistic
    Daily links from Cory Doctorow – No trackers, no ads. Black type, white background. Privacy policy: we don't collect or retain any data at all ever period. 🇺🇸 More info

    Pluralistic: Nurses whose shitty boss is a shitty app (17 Dec 2024)
    Today's links Nurses whose shitty boss is a shitty app: "Uber for nurses" is even worse than it sounds. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2014, 2019, 2023 Upcoming appearances: …
    By Cory Doctorow, 2,738 words
  11. Radar – O’Reilly
    Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology. By Tim O’Reilly, Mike Loukides, Q McCallum, et al. 🇺🇸 More info

    Quantum Error Correction Update 2024
    Making quantum computers is really very difficult. The quantum bits, or qubits, are made up of superconducting circuits operating at thousands of a Kelvin above absolute zero, or individual atoms, or photons. Aside from the …
    By Sebastian Hassinger, 3,115 words
  12. ResearchBuzz
    News and resources covering social media, search engines, databases, archives, and other such information collections. Since 1998. By Tara Calishain. 🇺🇸 More info

    UK Basketball Courts, Rhode Island Cybersecurity, Snapchat, More: Wednesday Afternoon ResearchBuzz, December 18, 2024
    NEW RESOURCES Basketball England: BasketballCourtsNearMe: New database to locate and rate basketball courts. “Today marks the launch of BasketballCourtsNear.Me (BCNM), an innovative, community-driven platform set to become the most comprehensive database of basketball courts in …
    By ResearchBuzz, 800 words
  13. RetroFun! – Osiem bitów powraca!
    8-bit strikes back. By ikari. 🇵🇱 More info

    Nie wszystko stare co 8-bitowe
    Chociaż strona ta poświęcona jest erze 8-bitowej, kiedy w Polsce królowały Atari, Commodore i Pegasusy, a ja aż do czasów Pentium III byłem “jedynym” posiadaczem... Read more
    By ikari, 32 words
  14. Riccardo Mori
    Writer & Translator. 🇪🇸 More info

    Switching to Android? - First follow-up
    First and foremost: if you haven’t read my previous piece, Switching to Android? it’s better if you do so before proceeding. The initial feedback In that post I wrote: Digital entrenchment is silly, and it’s …
    By Riccardo Mori, 1,953 words
  15. Sally Lait | Blogs
    Posts about life, engineering management, the web industry, and things that I've been up to. 🇬🇧 More info

    Holidays in Japan with a toddler
    Despite growing up as a third culture kid used to travel, and having spent almost 20 years visiting various places around Japan, this spring brought a new experience: taking my kid on their first international …
    By Sally Lait, 89 words
  16. Schneier on Security
    I am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people. By Bruce Schneier. 🇺🇸 More info

    New Advances in the Understanding of Prime Numbers
    Really interesting research into the structure of prime numbers. Not immediately related to the cryptanalysis of prime-number-based public-key algorithms, but every little bit matters.
    By Bruce Schneier, 32 words
    This site is my attempt to finally start writing a tech-blog after growing up with Linux and many years of tinkering with technology, especially DevOps, system administration, network administration, programming, and a bit of data science. By Merlin Scholz. 🇩🇪 More info

    Migrating a Jellyfin Domain
    Join me in my quest to migrate my Jellyfin installation to a new domain. Let’s start off with the current situation. I used to run Jellyfin under some old domain that is mostly decommissioned by …
    639 words
  18. Stratechery by Ben Thompson
    On the business, strategy, and impact of technology. 🇺🇸 More info

    Intel’s Death and Potential Revival
    This Article is available as a video essay on YouTube In 1980 IBM, under pressure from its customers to provide computers for personal use, not just mainframes, set out to create the IBM PC; given …
    By Ben Thompson, 4,430 words
  19. Terence Eden’s Blog
    🇬🇧 More info

    Soft Launching my Next Big Project - Stopping
    As of today, I've quit. I started working full time before going to university. I worked part-time during my studies. Graduated into a crappy job. Got a place on a prestigious grad scheme. Worked my …
    By @edent, 576 words
  20. v21 | Blog
    v buckenham | artist / curator / game designer / creative technologist / etc | based in London, UK. 🇬🇧 More info

    Downpour is out!
    Today, Downpour comes out! In case you don’t know, Downpour is the game creation tool I have been working on for the past few years. I started it after I left Niantic in October 2022, …
    1,303 words